We meet again

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Mangle wakes up and does her everyday chores of course ordered by her step-mother

Chore's are washing clothes, washing the windows, feeding the chickens, making breakfast, lunch, dinner and sometimes even dessert

That's all they think of mangle

A slave to treat them for their needs


Mangle walks out in the morning with rising Sun coming out with 2 buckets of water to clean the window's while her step mother is enjoying breakfast with her two daughters

Nightmare Chica and toy chica eating fine baked bread and oatmeal

Mangle hasn't ate, before she can eat her step mother order's her first to clean and then eat

All this is just a unfair life for mangle, it was all great when she was 5 year's old

Her mother will work on knitting and selling clothing such as mittens, socks, hats, dresses for the cold and people will buy, they were really nicely made.

With that money, mangle's mother will stop by and buy some bread for them to eat aleast since they didn't really have that much

That's the reason, mangle feels emotional and get's flashbacks when she helps herself to the same bread the mother of mangle would buy from the same shop where mangle to this day goes today.

She will read mangle bedtime stories and care for her every need

A good mother to a daughter, who wouldn't want that?

But now, she just a harsh abusive life nothing comparing to before where she had her lovely caring mother alway's giving her mothers love.

She hope's someday, she can hopefully escape all of this and have a much better life than this horrible life she is living right now.

Mangle finishes the last touches and sigh's in relieve sweating.

She empty's out the bucket and goes inside.

To see her step mother and chica lastly, but not least toy chica dressed in their fancy Gowns

Mangle sadly doesn't wear one of those gowns

She wear's just average village dress outfit.

That's how unfairly she is treated by them..

"Mangle we will be heading out, you will be charge of making sure everything is clean, alright." Her say's as she applys red lipstick.

Toy chica and chica giggle posing infront of the mirror admiring themselves.

"Yes, step-mother have fun." Mangle say's with a low tone

Toy chica and chica stopped admiring themselves, she turn around to look at mangle and smirk at her evily.

"Have fun slave, wash my beautiful pink gown oh and clean my pink heels too, don't forget slave!" Toy chica says as chica laughs.

Mangle was in the verge of crying she doesn't like being called like this nor treated like a slave..

And nothing else just a slave

Mangle nods her head and they headed out.

Mangle decided to take a scroll around the village, she eats her breakfast first and grabs her purple cloack which covers her face.

Which is good just incase if her step-mother sees her or her step-sisters

She grabbed her basket to go pick some flowers too to make into a nice bouquet.

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