grieving pirate for a lass

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23 year's has happened, since the tragedy faithful day, the day when the got prince taken away and the king death.

He now lay's underground in his coffin, not a Piece of flesh of him of course, he is just bone's.

The Queen hasn't been happy since the accident, she Luckly survived that night

Villager's saw something odd, no knight's guarding outside and footsteps of a bunch of people running, they suspended something wrong has something.

They knew the Queen was giving birth to the heir, they were patient to see the Queen come out and present the royal baby but, it's all slient and that's why something seemed odd too.

The villager's decided to go inside the castle as a group and they noticed thing's knocked down and a scream of help coming from upstairs, they heard the Queen's voice.

They quickly rushed up and saw her trying to sit up with blood splatterd on her gown, tear's streaming down her face.

The villager's stood in shock and wondered what in the world happened

And where are the guards

They then saw the king's died body, they all grieved.

The villager's walked over to the Queen.

"What has happened you're majesty?!" One villager asked

"They took my son, the savage pirate's took me son!, he is gone now my poor son heir to the throne, the pirate captain killed my husband, I don't know where they took my son!" She cried out loud one villager started to comfort her.

The villager's decided to make search to help the Queen.

"You're Majesty, we are saddened to hear this horrible news, that is why we are teaming up and track down those savage pirates, don't worry he will be back in you're arms." They said the queen nodded.

She knew they could, she knew villager's are up to anything.

"I hope you can, I need my poor son back.


All those 23 year's, there lay's a painting of a baby which is foxy, it's all correct and the feature's just how the Queen described him.

Below his painting layed, candle's and flowers.

The Queen still has hope her son will one day return back into her arms, she doesn't know what to do

There is no another child she has to rule the kingdom, it's just her now all alone ruling without her king,

Sometime's when she is Sitting on her throne she imagine's to see her husband beside his empty throne.

She wishes he never died, she loved him dearly

She misses his voice and his love, now there is non of that.

It's just hope for her son to come back, she is not giving up easily.

The villager's think she gone insane and some want to give up but, she range's at them if they do say anything offensive to her.

What the Queen didn't know, foxy grew up to be a pirate he was trained to be one by the whole crew since he turned 5 that's when he learned the pirate way's.

Such as stealing and causing another mischief.

But, he doesn't feel it's right to do that to innocent villager's.

He decided's to just be normal and not be stealing, villager's are afraid of him some even hide inside their home's or go running off.

He hated it, he wish to tell them he was a good pirate but they will not believe him.

The captain of the ship died 2 year's ago, when the captain who claimed to be foxy's father was in his death bed he asked foxy to become the captain.

Foxy of course, he didn't want to disappoint his father he accepted.

And since his passing, foxy has become a captain.

Leading his crew, and another thing's a pirate captain must do.

(Mangle pov)

I walked around with roses in my hand, today I am Visiting my mother who is dead.

She died when I was just 2 year's old, her last word's to me were.

"Grow up to be a wise women, be strong, have courage, no hate, choose a wise husband to have children with, promise me that mangle, don't forget that I love you don't forget about me, make me proud mangle." She said closing her eyes and taking her last breath.

I remember hugging her and crying in her.

"I promise mother, I will make you proud I will never forget you." I said in my small voice.

Just remembering that moment make's me depressed, I still hear her voice in my head.

She died because she was sick, we didn't have a cent to buy Medicine she got worst everyday and she died.

All for money!

I hate money, that's the reason my mother died.

I also hate my father, he left my mother when he found out she was pregnant with me.

What kind of a man was my father to leave my mom all alone

I wish he is died, I don't care if he is okay or not

I don't care about him...

I will keep my mom's promise, I will find the perfect someone

Hopefully since I am already a adult..


I finally arrived to my mother's grave which is hidden in a beautiful peaceful garden hidden from the village, I couldn't stand it knowing my mother is underground lifeless.

I fell on my knees hugging my mother's tombstone.

"Oh mother, I wish you never left me!" I cried out laying the roses down

I knew she couldn't hear me but, I need deep down that she is looking from the heaven down at me.

Maybe she can hear me I just don't know it.

I looked at the sky and smiled knowing she is better off in heaven.

(Foxy pov)

I decided to take a walk to clear up my mind, I walked out my ship and started to walk into a beautiful area where where there seems to be a field of long clean green grass with flower's growing, as I walked I heard a girl crying in sorrow.

Who could be crying?

Tis' day so beautiful, who ever it is having a bad day.

I can't bare hearing a poor lass cry.

I decided why not comfort her.

I got closer to the crying and I spotted her.

I am amazed by her beauty fair Porcelain skin which is rare in tis' village

Pink light streak's surrounding her unique white hair, curled slight locks of hair.

Perfect defined lips, that make's her seem like a doll.

I felt in trance staring at her beauty.

Why someone beautiful as this lass be crying for?


I then noticed she is hugging a grave.

Now I competely understood..

Poor lassie.

She then turns to face me, tears streaming down her lovely face

I noticed she has golden hazel eye's, unique eye's.

Almost like mine..

"Who are you?"

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