back to the village

439 21 5

(2 day's later)

Mangle walks around the pirate ship admiring the sea's beauty just part of it frighten her

If she ever fell into it, she will probably drown down deep inside the beautiful blue ocean since she has no idea how to swim...

She shakes her head in thought feeling chills just imagining herself hopelessly drowning.

Foxy comes out his captain's room and see's mangle standing there alway's like a beautiful angel looking into far off into the sea

He chuckles to himself seeing how mangle looked cute too, with curioustly in her eyes.

He keeps staring just then mangle feels someone staring at her, she turns around and smiles seeing her pirate lover.

"Hello there foxy, you almost gave me a fright how long are you going to keep staring at me." Mangle said raising one eyebrow up

"Till I die, yer beauty is too much to handle lassie." Foxy said as he started go approach mangle.

"How sweet but, that's just creepy." Mangle said with a chuckle as finally foxy finally made it over infront of her.

"You are really beautiful I can't help it lass." Foxy said as he pecked mangles cheek. "Any plan's for today foxy." Mangle said

"I was planning to stop by the village and shop for some food since we are running out of it, would ye come along lass if ye don't want to ye can just stay inside me pirate's ship." Foxy said

Mangle's suddenly went to a small frown and she looked down.

Foxy noticed this, he then lifted up her chin with his ring finger.

"Lass are ye okay? ye seem to not like what I just said, about now." Foxy said concerned

"Well, I do want to come with you but I am frighten to go back to the village what about if I run into my step-mother and sisters, they will take me away and I won't ever see you again." Mangle said in a sad voice

Foxy then brings in mangle close into a hug and strokes her back in comfort.

"Lassie, they wouldn't dare I will protect ye with all my might and I won't let them lay a figure on you, not in a million year's." Foxy said whispering in mangles ear

"Okay that makes me feel better, then it's settled I will come with you." Mangle said kissing foxys cheek and hugs him tight.


After some time of getting to the land of the village where mangle once knew a month ago, they arrived

They tie the ship to the deck and they get off board along with freddy and bonnie who decided to explore around the village, just leaving BB and golden freddy taking care of the ship.

As foxy and mangle made their way through the village, he noticed her hiding behind him nervously.

He then grabs her hand and pulls her next to him.

"Lass, remember what I told ye, ye will be okay." Foxy said pressing her hand gently for comfort, mangle nods and relaxes her self, foxy smiles in return and they continue to make their way deeper into the village.

Villager's pulling wagons full of their stuff stopped in fright seeing foxy walk by

Then they see foxy with a girl, they kept staring in curioustly

Wondering about that girl....


Mangle and foxy stopped by and brought some bread and meat, when they were shopping, sellers were frighten expecting foxy to attack and steal every bit of their food

But he didn't they were just confused wondering why he didn't

Since pirates are known for their mischievous ways for stealing and causing another Type of trouble.

As they kept walking to just explore around two guards from the royal kingdom happened to walked by and they spotted foxy.

One of the guard's couldn't help but feel something about foxy

Something familar it just bothered him alot when he saw foxy

But he didn't know what...

After staring at him for a bit, it all came to him just like he had feared

Foxy might be the Queen's missing heir to the throne

The prince of course!....

Since he has those mysterious Yellow golden eyes no one else has and that crimson red hair.

Just like how the Queen described

"It's him all right." The guard said to himself causing the guard next to him go off guard and stare at his partner.

"What do you mean?" The guard said staring at him a bit irrated since all the guard does is talk nonsense which bother's the guard alot.

"The prince."......

The pirate that turned out to be princeWhere stories live. Discover now