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It's now the day foxy and chica will get crowned as King and Queen, foxy will get his fathers crown and chica will get the crown that was once her mothers

Chica feels so glad but a bit sad to see foxy not acting like she dreamed of even though she will be patient for him to eventually fall in love with her...

While for mangle, she has gotten much worst throwing up every morning everything that she ate didn't settle well making her throw it all up

The whole crew grew much concerned that something might happen to mangle that she may die, they don't think it's normal to be throwing up..


Chica twirls in her purple dress with her hair curled up, it fits her perfectly and chica just founded out this was her mothers dress it was foxinas idea

She remembered that chico always talked about how his wife will always look very beautiful in that dress, that day after chica returned home chico decided to show her the dress and she liked it.

Chica smiled to herself in the mirror in pride that she will become Queen and take part just like her mother did, after all she wants to make her mother proud.

As she kept fixing herself up she heard a knock on her door, she then goes over and opens it up revealing foxina.

Foxina eyes shimmer in joy seeing chica in the dress.

"You look very beautiful chica, you look just like your mother come on now let's go the coronation is about to began." Foxina said as chica nods feeling nervous that the time has come, they both started to walk downstairs hearing chattering from all the invited people

Villagers, royal people from another kingdoms.

While for foxy, he is sitting down on his throne feeling sad thinking how everything is about to change and how the marriage will also cause a big change

He never wished for any of this, he thought he was just a normal person a pirate, he never imagined himself to find out he has royal blood and he belongs in the kingdom who is now about to become king..


"Everyone thanks for coming for the coronation of Foxy and chica who will become your next King and Queen, foxy and chica please post." The announcer said as foxy and chica got up from their throne and posted infront of a big crowd of people watching them

Some villager girls feeling themselves blush and jealous seeing foxy while some gossip and rumored that he was with a low class girl

Which was mangle...

The priest then grabbed chicas crown first that has a purple diamond in the middle and the whole crown made up of real gold, he then places it on her making her feel very anxious that she is offically becoming Queen which is a big responability

"Queen chica." The announcer said as people clapped cheering for their New Queen then the priest starts to make his way over to foxy, foxy felt himself sweating and felt his heart beating very fast..

He took deep breathes and relaxed before the priest was right infront of him with his Crown.

The priest then places the crown on his head and everyone cheered before the announcer can say anything.

"King Foxy, now cheer for him even if you did already and also both of them!" The announcer said loudly as the people clapped and whistled.

After that they had a celebration, with food and music all the villager's and royals were allowed to stay..


Mangle got up having a plan to leave the ship, she thinks that she has no need to stay here anymore she doesn't feel that she belongs here at all

Mangle started to go through her stuff and packed some of her clothes in her bag that she sewed up, she sighed sadly as she glanced around the room getting flashbacks of her and foxy

She then shakes her head and tells herself to straighten up.

No one knew she was leaving, it's like a escape from them without them knowing it

She knows that if they were to caught her or find out they will prevent her from leaving the ship since, foxy told them to keep her safe at all times

Before she can leave the room, she glances over to where his coat was hanged up in the coat rack, she sighs and puts her hand out either to take it with her or not...

She stands there deciding either to take it or not

Then, she shakes her head and realizes not too

It will just remind her more of him making it much worst for her to live without him..

She quickly walked out and took a peek around for any signs of the crew members but, luckily none of them are around they are inside the room where they always mess around since, mangle can hear them laughly loudly and mugs crashing together.

She smiles and then it turns into a frown knowing that she will leave people that care about her and her only friends..

She sighs before she started to walk away, as she started to get to the exit

She started to feel really dizzy seeing everything around her moving, she stumbled but, got herself on time by holding the pole of the ship.

"Crap." Mangle said hoping they didn't hear her luckily for her they didn't

She then started to walk again until she felt a sharp pain in her head gritting her teeth in pain hoping it will stop.

Then she felt herself falling, she start pray to not fall to not ruin her escape

But unluckily, she couldn't handle anymore and fell on the floor making a big crash sound making the whole crew stop what they were doing.

"Did you all hear that?" Golden freddy said glancing over to everyone, they all nodded.

"What do you think it was, they couldn't be possibly attacking us we don't even have our captain." Bonnie said as mari then gets up.

"I think it's something else, I will be going to check it out." Mari said walking out the door as the others follow behind her.

They saw mangle laying on the fall unconscious.

Mari quickly runs to her side worried for dear life.

"Oh my god, I knew this would've happen any moment poor mangle." Mari said checking mangles Pulse which was slow which worried her more

"Come on golden freddy help me take her to her bed." Mari said as golden freddy did what he was told and took her to her bed.

After that mangle woke up and mari made her a tea again and put a warm towel on mangles head.

Mangle has no idea What is going on with her including the whole crew...

It couldn't be depression...

What could it be??

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