Trouble double and more?

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I'm back after not writing so sometime on this Book😭

Honestly, had a hard time to write to what's next🤣

(I'm a overthinker)👉👈 as you can tell by now....

Well, here you go🤣a new chapter..this book might come to an end or might be a second book..who knows..idk yet..

Enjoy y'all 💕


Mangle woke up next to Foxy drapped in Sheets seeing nothing more but the same rook she's sleeping in with has rich colored crimson red curtains and antique looking like things making the room look majestic. Mangle gave a small yawn feeling the need to use the bathroom, feeling the baby sit on her bladder making it even much worst

She's still Eight Months, there's luckily no sign of early labor in her. That's her worst fear she has right now, something can possibly happen if she gives birth earlier than how she's suppose to actually give birth. She got up slowly carefully not to stumble down, she got up gently and successfully letting off a sigh

"I have gotten heavy throughout these months." Mangle said under her breathe before slipping on her slippers walking away to use the restroom. Mangle glanced seeing the royal servants doing their usual duties along with the guards by the entrance guarding for any intruders while she heard clattering of a tea pot coming from Foxy's mother room who is taking her morning tea.

Mangle smiled knowing the woman who hated her and thought things of her before she founded out the baby Mangle is actually carrying is Foxy's. Throughout those months, she started to work on accepting her even if she isn't Royalty related just an average girl who used to live out in the village poor and hard working.

Now, they get along really well while she talks how she's excited to have a grandchild. That includes Foxy too, when they're in bed showing affection to each other and at times just in each other's arms talking about how happy they will be once he or she is born and what fun Foxy will have with his child.

It's only a matter of coming month until it will be time to welcome the new Member to the world and the Kingdom which the people will know of and respect just like them.

While outside of the Kingdom a suspicious looking man around his 40's in a cloak covering up his appearance, he walked around the grounds where Mangle used to live a life before. Seeming Defeated, he walked off until he walks back to the outside of the Big Castle guards standing still guarding the whole place

What Mangle didn't know, foxy added more ever since he became protective, he wants the best security plan to protect Mangle not wanting anything bad from happening to her.

While Inside Mangle walked greeting his mother first before making her way back into the room seeing Foxy still sleeping, mangle giggled as she ran her fingers on his hair ruffing it up. She places a kiss on his forehead which woke him up

"Up already?" Foxy said with a sly smile reaching his hand towards her face feeling her touch. Mangle nodded as she kissed him again, he chuckled before kissing her back but on the lips then he sat up to kiss her Belly where their child sat peacefully.

"I felt the need to use the bathroom sleepy head." Mangle said teasefully making him laugh at her comment. Right after that, a royal servant knocked on the Door interrupting a conversation they were about to start

"There is someone outside needing to see you." The servant said politely showing a somewhat of a accent to Mangle who nodded glancing over to Foxy with an questionable expression. Right after that the servant fleeded away leaving them be.

"Well, I will be going to see." Mangle said who was about to walk out but, foxy got out the bed quickly grabbing her wrist gently preventing her from walking. "Did you forget, who's in charge? I won't be leaving you off alone, who knows if that person might harm you, I'll be coming along." Foxy explained to Mangle, mangle nodded feeling a little bad madden at his bossy self

Right after that, foxy putted on some clothes before walking with Mangle to meet this person to who is waiting in the guest area. Mangle walked in staring at this figure with a questionable face staying behind Foxy the whole time.

"You are? What's you're business here?" Foxy questioned seeing the man slowly uncover himself revealing his face. "To see Mangle." He said glancing to Mangle who wonders to herself

'Who's this?'

"Me?" Mangle questioned as he nodded seeming to be going through something in his mind. "Yes, I'm here for my Daughter." He said shocking Mangle to the bone, not believing what she was hearing at this moment

Foxy glanced at Mangle then at the Guy. Feeling anger rise up knowing what he did to Mangle's mother, a fool who abandoned his wife and unborn child. "You're not welcome here, I have heard so many bad things about ye." Foxy said darken his voice making the poor man frighten knowing Foxy can do anything to him

"A-are y-you really? M-my father? Who left his wife behind and alone?" Mangle asked still behind foxy. He nods in guilt before speaking.

'"I am, mangle you're my Daughter I-I did a big m-mistake, a h-horrible dumb mistake tell m-me is mother still a-alive?" He asked with a tremble in his lips, mangle was more shocked and madden.

"All these years! All this time, you decide to show up, you grown man foolish kind of a man, she's died! Do you understand, she's gone! I was just a little girl when she badly sicken in her death bed! I-I couldn't afford to buy her medicine so, she died." Mangle said her face almost redden letting out all of her anger she's been holding for her father, knowing her mother would've probably been alive...

If he weren't for him, she would've been alive on earth...

"Mangle, don't it's bad for you let me handle this" foxy said in a calm shushed tone to calm her down but, it didn't seem to work, it's a trauma experience for her to have her father here.

The poor man couldn't believe it all this time...all this time on earth, she's been gone..

"I-I I-I c-can't believe i-it, no." He said in grieve as a tear streamed down his face. Mangle didn't feel any sort of sympathy towards him just pure hatefulness. "You better believe it! A-and it's all b-because out-of yo-." She didn't finish her words as she saw everything spin around her rapidly, she slid down Foxy's back unconscious.

Foxy turned over to her in horror picking her up bridal style. "G-god, mangle? Mangle, what's wrong with you!?" Foxy panicked shaking her lightly who doesn't respond just going through a fainting episode. The man noticed in shockfulness noticing his daughter is pregnant




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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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