Lovesick pirate

475 21 16

(1 month later)

Foxy paced around his ship he couldn't get his mind out the fine maiden he met back there, freddy and bonnie gave him a questionable look as they were playing card's.

"Foxy sure does like he is sick, do you think our captain is alright." Bonnie says as he pauses and takes a his butter beer.

"I don't know bonnie but you're right, these pass days he has been so distracted and always thinking." Freddy say's admiting taking a sip of his butter beer.

"Whatever it is I am worried for him." Bonnie says as he organized the card of decks again.

They continued to play and foxy walks to the balcony of the ship looks far out to the sea.

"I can't get the lass out of my head." Foxy says as he imagines her in his mind

"I need to somehow see her again." He says as he walks away to his room and shut's himself in.

(Mangle pov)

I walked fast because of my aunt who say's she is my step mother no way in a million years till I die she will ever be

She send me to pick up some bread from the bakery and more stuff that she made me put in a list for her

I can't believe, that I am living my life like this

I wish my mother never died and left me with her cruel sister and her daughter's which are my cousins

I hate them alot all they do is boss me around or snitch to my aunt like whiny babys

I wish they could feel how I feel being treated this way

I don't even know why my aunt hates me so much

Like if I ever done something wrong for her to abuse me and treat me nothing but a just her slave

I wish it was the another way around aleast

A caring aunt mom who is my step mother treating me with so much care and love just like my cousins.

But no...

"Miss watch out!!" A guys voice yelled making all my thought's go away

I noticed that I was about 1 inch crashing into him who is holding a stacks of boxes going all on the way up to his face.

I quickly moved away and didn't make the boxes fall

I sighed with relieve and heard the guy mutter something.

"This lady's these day's so blind and distracted." The guy says

I boiled in anger and almost told him something but I just kept my mouth shut.

It's not worth fighting anyway's to a elderly guy.

I began to head where I was heading the bakery of fine baked goods.

I smelled a nice smell of dough making my stomach rumble

I went up to the person and ordered the usual baked goods.

"Thanks." I said to the elderly nice guy who helped me out

He flash me a heart warming smile and waved goodbye.

"Bye miss enjoy you're goods." He yells out as he started to help out another customers.

As I walked, I heard music being played and hooves of horses passing by fast causing me to stop.

I looked up and saw royal guard's riding on their horses and heading to what seems to be a event where the music is being held.

I wonder what's this all about

Without thinking I started to walk to where they were heading to

I made it and there was a crowd of villagers chattering and seemed to wait for something to began.

Whatever it is, it seems to be important for them.

I then heard the horns they do, when the Queen is present.

And I was right, I see the Queen enter by with a candle in her hands seem to be grieving behind her followed her guards.

I tip toed trying to see what's going on since the Queen went through the villagers and went to walk somewhere

I luckily then spotted a free spot from a villager who decided to leave.

I quickly made it to the spot and got a better view.

There lay bunch of candle's and a art display of a baby who is being held by her

I get it now, it's his missing son

Of course, how could I forget.

"It's been 23 year's since my son got taken away from me and all of you do know it was the tragic day he was born and taken away from me from savage pirates, you are sure wondering if I've given up all of you villager's but, you're wrong I am still in hope he returns to me alive, believe what you want but I know he is out there alive." The Queen say's as the chattering of the villagers stop

Making a dead slient, she set down the candle and she went inside her carriage, she left with the guards in the horse following behind her.

All the villagers departed and continued what they were doing .

I hope she does find her son soon, I can't imagine the pain she feeling

I can't believe pirates did this

Kidnap a poor innocent baby

And who I fell in love with

Is a pirate

But he can't be like that right?

He was all kind and charming to me

I hope we meet again....

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