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Two month's has passed since foxy departed away from his beloved mangle and now this month he is suppose to marry chica, first they will have a ceremony to crown chica as Queen by placing the crown that was once her mother's and foxy will be ranked as king

He dearly misses mangle a bunch, he tried last month to find a way but, he keeps failing to do so he still has hope he will keep finding a way and just hopes mangle is doing alright over with his crew

That's all what matters to him..


Mangle wrapped around a blanket curled up and her eyebags black and her face pale depressed of the whole situation that occured a two months ago losing the one she trusted with her whole soul

Who she thought, she would've have a perfect life with him growing old together and have a family of their own

But, it didn't now mangle has lost hope he will return

Bonnie and Mari try to get mangle to go eat or take a walk but, she refuses she is just too sad to eat or do anything because of the sadness and loss of her love

She loves but hates him for making her lose her v-card after leaving her the next day, he should've just told me mangle thought madly as a tear streamed down her face.

She sighs and feels slightly hungry, she groans and get's up feeling dizzy not only that weak and nauseous too, she has been feeling like that a month ago, she just thinks it's perhaps of the depression she is going through right now.

She slides on foxys coat that he left their on the hanging rack, another tear streams down her cheek because of the scent of foxy it still had on his coat, she hugs her chest inhaling the scent.

She start's to walk out the door and closes it behind her seeing bonnie and freddy chatting, they notice mangle and they smiled at her

Mangle just looks at them with no emotion and walks away wanting to ignore everyone in her pathway, she just wants to be alone...

Sometimes she has thoughts to herself, that she should probably run away from the ship and go back to her abusive life

Even though she will suffer

Mangle thinks to herself that she deserves it, that's how her life is suppose to be sad...

No care or love..

Mangle starts to go through the food and finds herself some bread with crackers, she groans in irration that she didn't find what she was looking for

She wanted something else to eat not this

Mangle then sighs and shrugs her shoulder

"Better than nothing, I guess." Mangle said as she grabbed the bread and the crackers then starts to walk away to her room.

BB spots her and starts to run over to her but, then got stopped by mari.

"BB don't interfere with her right now, she is not okay right now, give her space." Mari said in a gentle voice BB sighs in defeat and nods, feeling sad in the inside since mangle doesn't pay that much attention to him anymore before she would play with him and take walks with foxy and BB of course.

Mangle consumed the bread and 3 pieces of cracker's after 5 minutes, she didn't feel so good

She felt queasy, she put her hand over her mouth and ran over to near the edge of the ship throwing up what she ate, mari watched in concern.

"Seems like that depression of hers is turning much worst, poor mangle." Golden freddy said drinking root beer as mari nods in agreement

"We have to somehow fix this, she can't live her life like this." Mari said with a sigh and starts to walk away from goldy.

"Where are you going mari?" Golden freddy said raising a eyebrow, mari turns back around.

"I am going to make her a tea that will make her get better." Mari said as golden freddy nodded.


Mangle lays on the bed feeling very ill, she whimpers in pain because of her head feeling like it's burning and still feels queasy.

Mangle then get's startled when she hears the door open but, then relaxes seeing mari entering with a cup that is steaming up in the air.

Mangle sighs knowing that she shouldn't probably send her away.

"Hey mangle, I brought you some tea this will settle you very well, you'll see." Mari says with a smile and sets mangles tea on the nightstand.

Mangle smiles weakly and thanks her after that mari walks out the door.

Mangle then grabbed the tea and took few sips slightly feeling much better.


"What color dress you want my princess?" Chico said asking his daughter on what type of dress his daughter wants

Right now, they are planning for the coronation and planning out together.

Foxina smiles and puts her hand on chicas shoulder.

"You should wear a purple gown with sparkle to it, it will make you pop out very beautiful what do you think?" Foxina said as chica thought for a bit and smiled.

"I will have to try it on and see if it's for me, thanks for the advice though." Chica said feeling grateful

As for foxy, he is just leaning his head on the wall not wanting to be part of this at all

He doesn't want to fall in love with chica, he had tried his best ever since he was brought to his real home

He admits he likes her a tint but, not the same way he loves mangle which is alot.

Chica notices something is wrong with foxy, she is familiar about the whole situation of foxy having his eyes on mangle which broke her heart but, she tries her best to make him love her without forcing him she will just patiently wait.

But, doesn't know that mangle got threaten if foxy dares to stay with her.

Chica bows to foxina begging to be excused.

"I will be right back." Chica said the Queen nods and gives her permisson to do so.

She walks away leaving just chico and foxina planning out, she starts to walk and spots foxy looking sad leaning on the wall.

Chica's face soften feeling grieve for him, she starts to walk over to him and foxy notices her just flashing a quick smile.

"Hey, I just came to just check on you if you were doing alright foxy." Chica said

"I am doing alright a tint but, just thinking about my love I left two months ago I am wondering if she is doing alright, I am very worried." Foxy said as chica nods in understandment

"Awee poor you, I am sure she is doing alright but, just realize now foxy we are going to get marry you will eventually have to like me, I don't care if you don't me now but, I will be patient." Chica said not resisting and then hugs him for comfort.

Foxy widen his eyes and felt so much warmth, his arms then wrapped around chica hugging her back.

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