Lovers finally?

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(One month later)

(Mangle pov)

It's been a heaven for me since I'm free from my abusive step mother and my step sister's

I am grateful for foxy to welcome me to live in his pirate ship

Good thing, I accepted since I hesitated at first when he offered me his home

I just don't want to seem like a lady that only want's a guy for their looks or how wealthy they are

It doesn't matter to me at all, I just hope and want a guy that want's me for me and respects me that will cherish me forever till the day I die

I am just struggling now holding a secret that I am scared and nervous to confess.

I think that guy may be foxy...

He seem's caring and kind to anyone, even if he is a pirate

I expected a pirate to be rude and to steal like a pirate would do

Just like story books and rumors about them...

Scary too

But he doesn't seem nothing like that, he seems the opposite of a pirate

To me he looks just like a prince

For his gentlemen ways and how he alway's charms me

Ever since he started to be so charming to me

I wonder if he like's me back, I am confused and feel trapped in a glass jar

Wondering to figure out and escape the glass jar that I feel that I am inside of.

I just don't think, I am good enough for him

Though maybe he likes me back by his actions especially that day he bit my lips and kissed me in a passionately way lovers would do.

Could that mean something between us....

(Foxy pov)

I walked around my ship after telling my sailors which are my friends to do their duties.

As I walked I heard mangle talking but with who....

Since I only have freddy, bonnie, BB, golden freddy on me ship

I quietly walked to see mangle standing looking out into the far sea as her hands on the ship balcony with a saddened way

Poor lass, wonder what she is thinking about

I will make my way over to her and see what's wrong with her

I approached slowly behind her and heard something that catched my attention.

"Though maybe he likes me back by his actions especially that day he bit my lips and kissed me in a passionately way lovers would do." I heard mangle said and made my heart beat faster.

I just knew she is talking about me that day I kissed her

She is right how lovers would do

That means she likes me back...

Poor lass that's why she seems upset with wonder too..

I need to answer her to tell her that I love her back too

I feel bad for teasing her and not  telling her instead

What I am about to do is unexpected.


Mangle looked out to the deep blue sea not noticing foxy approaching her closer, she was just so focus and not realizing that she was talking out loud

Foxy wraps her arms around her waist making mangle jump in surprise.

"Lassie, I heard what ye said." Foxy said whispering into her ear.

Mangle's heart dropped and she felt oddly confused what foxy is talking about.

"What do you mean by what I said that you heard?" Mangle said feeling fluttered that foxy himself is hugging mangle.

She started to get that feeling when foxy teases her and makes her confuse

Which wasn't a pleasant feeling

"I heard ye talking how ye are struggling to know if I like ye back when that day I kissed ye, I am sorry about that for teasing you and." Foxy said about to say the other word but mangle didn't let him.

"Oh my you heard it, I must had talk out my thoughts out loud, well that kiss doesn't mean anything right? How can you love me, I am nothing." Mangle said

Foxys eyes saddened that mangle thinks this about her self being.

"That's not what, I was going to say lass, I was going to say that, I feel the same for ye, I am sorry for teasing ye and leaving ye confused, I fell in love with you the first day I saw you, I love you mangle!" Foxy said as he looks into her eyes in a lovely way

Mangle eyes widen in surprise and felt herself free from that jar of glass she was trapped in, desperate to know his answer.

"You do? Are you positively sure that I am the one for you." Mangle said searching at his face to see if he looks like if he is not saying the truth

She is good at reading face expressions

Foxy didn't answer but just simply grabbed her and presses his lips against hers gently

He then bites her lips enjoying the kiss as he began to kiss her more passionately.

They lasted for 2 minutes kissing which felt for a life time for mangle and foxy.

They parted and connected eyes.

Foxy cupped his hand on mangles cheek not taking off his eyes off her.

"Does that answer you're question lass?" Foxy said smirking

Mangle nods blushing deeply and nods.

"Yes, it does." Mangle said shyly at him.

Freddy and bonnie watched from their table with grins.

"Look's like the captain found his mate." Bonnie said looking towards mangle and foxy who started to share a kiss again.

"He sure did bonnie, I am proud of our captain that's what he needed in his life a mate, he looks much happier now." Freddy said agreeing feeling proud of foxy.

The pirate that turned out to be princeWhere stories live. Discover now