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Mangle cleans her own rags since, susy doesn't want mangle to do extra work since, it's risky for her to do many chores

Mangle finally finishes hanging her rags up then heads inside seeing Susy peacefully snoring on her rocking chair, mangle spreaded a smile across her face thinking how grateful she is to have founded susy that gives her a home and most importantly

She feels like a daughter to Susy...

Mangle sighs as she looked out the window seeing villagers pass by on horses or on feet walking where they need to go to...

She realizes how she ruined having a job by never returning of course because she fears that her baby will be taken away..

She stills love him but, part of her doesn't want to face him...

She is just scared and heartbroken..


Mangle slides on a pink light dress then a bag she can carry to buy any need, she knows she has some gold coins that she could probably buy some food with it..

It may not be enough but, aleast it will be enough to get some food..

She finally makes her way out, today indeed is a lovely day

Not hot nor cold

But, just a gloomy day

As she walked, she got greeted by shop owners that knew her since, as a little child they would always nice to her when she would pass by..

She then decides to stop by and buy some bread from her favorite bread shop..

She starts to walk over there getting some stares from villagers who knew what is up...

They knew, she is the one that foxy is looking for..

Mangle uncomfortably looks away and walks faster avoiding the people that are staring..

She quickly runs up to the guy selling the bread, he notices mangle and smiles with his always friendly smile that he has.

"Wow, miss mangle haven't seen you for a long time ça va?" He says (Ca va=how are you in french)

"I am doing well, just here to grab some fine bread." Mangle said as he nods as his eyes trail down to her stomach...

"Are you pregnant?" He says surprised as mangle nods

"Yes, I am." Mangle says as he smiles brighter

"Congrats wonder who is the lucky guy, the same as usual miss?" He says looking at the bread mangle usually gets

"I can't say sorry, yes the usual please." Mangle said sadly as he nods in understandment

He then gives mangle the bundle of bread.

"Thank you, have a nice day." Mangle said walking away before he says anything else which she wouldn't want to reply to...

She then stops by to get some fruits and some cheese, she knew this is her last stop she wants to save the rest when she needs it...

She grabs everything she needs and starts to leave then suddenly bumps into someone taller than her making her fall on the ground falling on her butt...

She notices the person turns around and bends down to help her ..

Mangle then sees it's foxy..

"Lassie are you okay, I'm so sorry." Foxy said bringing her up, mangle eyes lock with his but, then remembers everything and starts to run off quickly...

"Oh no" Mangle said in tears already as foxy ran behind her quickly

She started to run looking somewhere to go hide some place to avoid him quickly, she didn't want to risk being taken or much worst..

She then spots a alleyway, mangle glances and knows it might be a good spot to hide she then runs fast as a crowd of people cover foxy up making him unable to see where mangle is heading off to

She runs into the alleyway pushing herself against the wall and peeking if he is anywhere around...

She sighs in relieve until she felt someone grabbed her from her waist pulling her in into their chest..

Mangle notices who it is, it's foxy she started to punch his chest.

"Please let go of me." Mangle said as a tear streamed down her face, foxy knew why exactly she is being like this...

She has a reason though because he didn't try hard enough especially not knowing that she is pregnant..

Made it worst..

"Lassie shush, please calm down and listen to me." Foxy said in a comforting tone of voice as mangle gave up punching him and lets herself be hold by him..

"Why should I listen to you?! You done many things first, your horny ass decided to fuck with me and then you told me your true secret leaving me all alone and four months passed by with you not giving a damn about me, you never did." Mangle said breaking down into more tears, foxy felt very horrible hearing this knows how mangle was feeling...

The terrible feeling of loneliness...

"Lassie that's not true at all and I'm sorry, I care about you and love ye with all my heart I never meant for this to all happen but, now I must take care of my Kingdom as king which is why.." Foxy began

"That you will never loved me and that's why you decide to marry chica spending your whole life with her which now I will probably be executed or force to give you my baby." Mangle said in a fearful voice as foxy shooked his head.

"Lassie non that be will happen, I reassure you instead, you are to come with me and you will become Queen then you will marry me because your the only one I truly love." Foxy said as mangle relaxed into his chest wanting to believe him..

"But, how can I trust you?" Mangle said looking up at his eyes with fear

Foxy then cups her face and kisses her on her lips passionately, she hesitates to kiss back but, then gives in kissing him back.

"Trust in me?" Foxy said snuggling his head on hers.

Mangle had to admit, she instantly felt that love connection and knew she can trust him again.

"Yes, I do now." Mangle said then foxy smiles sweetly

"I would never leave you alone again, I swear from my heart I will care for you and love you the way you deserve lassie, I am truly sorry but, now on the bright side we are back together with our unborn child." Foxy said his eyes trailing down where he created a life inside mangle..

He stares at her belly in awe and felt his heart beat fast, he always wanted to be a father and now he is going to be one..

With his one and true love

He then places one hand on mangles belly feeling how firm it feels and how swollen it feels too.

"Are you happy that you are going to be a father? It's fine if your not plus I won't agree coming with you if that's the case." Mangle said as foxy shakes his head and presses his head on her belly.

"Aye, I always wanted to be a father lassie I won't leave ye, I do want to be a father and I want to be by your side the whole time until I die." Foxy said standing back up since, he is taller than her and plus older by 3 years..

"But, I am not ready to be Royalty I will be horrible." Mangle said as her voice goes back to being fearful

"Lassie, you won't I know so you will be one of the best Queens in the world that no one has ever known and beautiful one too lass." Foxy said with a wink, mangle slightly now feels better..


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