I found.....

285 16 4

(1 week)

The trip to get back to the village took one week since, it's really far from the island away from the village

Mangle didn't care all she cares about that she finds her hero who saved her a year ago from her abusive life.


Mangle got off the ship with mari to go take a scroll around the village hopes that they will find him around there.

Mangle and mari decided to part ways to go looking for him around areas that foxy would walk around through

As mangle walks she hears village music being played and with babies crying and kids screaming who are playing a game of tag

She kept walking looking around and going to places where her and foxy would walk around

She sighs sadly in thought remembering then she feels someone tap her shoulder, she looked down to see a innocent little child.

"Miss are you okay?" He said mangle flashed a smile to him and bended down to meet his eye level.

"Yes, I am doing fine just that I am looking for my lover he has been missing for a long time and I am really worried." Mangle said as the kid nodded feeling bad for her.

"I am so sorry miss, I hope you find him soon." He said with a comforting voice mangle smiled liking how caring that kid is.

After mangle and the little kid talked, mangle heard his mother calling out his name George.

"You're mother is calling you, you should be heading now it was nice talking to you." Mangle said as the kid did awee and nodded.

"It was nice knowing you soon, good luck miss!" He said waving his hand and runs off away to his mother.

Mangle then remembered her mission was to go look for foxy, she then continued to keep walking fast.


A minutes later, she spotted him hiding behind a tree not in the village area but, around the area where the kingdom is at.

She quickly runs over to him tackling him into a hug not wanting ever to let go.

Foxy widens his eyes and hugged her back.

"Why did you leave me without notice for days foxy?" Mangle said breaking the slience and looks up to him with her innocent face.

Foxy sighs and decides not to tell her the truth, if she finds out she will be devasted that he can't marry her...

But, he will try his best to find a way to marry her....

Because he loves her still

"I had to come take care of my sick friend some this village that I met as a little lad, poor lad he died this week and I am to attend his funeral tomorrow." Foxy said hoping she buys it and she did

But, then she frowns which makes foxy anxious.

"You left without notice and abandoned me on your ship with your whole crew, even BB our son is worried about you, why foxy?" Mangle said putting her hands on his shoulders.

Foxy then brings mangle close to his chest not knowing what he is going to do, his kingdom is strict the whole system is to marry a royal or a high class not a low class person who lives in the village...

"Lassie, I am sorry didn't mean to get you upset, it was urgent so I had to flee the ship at midnight and I didn't want to wake you up." Foxy said stroking her locks of hair.

Mangle slowly nods and realizes she shouldn't put up a fight with him and just be glad now that she finally found him.

"I understand now, can we go home now I hate being alone please." Mangle said in a voice of plead.

"Tomorrow lassie, I will return just wait for me by the dock." Foxy said in reassure tone of voice.


Foxy heads back inside as foxina walks out of the break room and saw his son, she walks down to tell him some news and another different thing that he will not like...

"My dearest son, can we head down to the tea room and talk please." Foxina said in a serious voice, foxy doesn't resist and walks with her over to the tea room.

They settled down as the servants served them some tea.

"Son, I believe as I was taking a scroll on the garden I saw you with this lovely maiden, who is she be honest with me." Foxina said taking a sip of a tea

"Well, she is my lass I saved from her abusive life in the village a servant to her step mother and step sisters, from there we fell in love and she is the only one I love." Foxy said as the Queen nods.

"I thought that she was probably a high class at the least because she seems very lovely to be a low class, foxy I am sorry but, you can't marry her since I arranged you already and plans are settled, you are marrying chica." Foxina said with no emotion at all

Not a single one to feel bad for him..

Foxy felt his heart drop and he looks down to his feet to prevent eye contact from her.

"If you dare to try to fight back, we will excuted her or send her far away from this village, understood? So you must tell her." Foxina said as foxy hates to say yes

But why wouldn't he, he just heard that they may harm her if he fights back

I must protect her, I will just tell my crew to keep a eye on her and one day I will find a way to get her back, my love will never go away for her." Foxy thought in his head not believing he is going to do this.

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