Taken from the place I knew

388 19 4

(Next day) (sun set)

Five Guard's hiding behind the bush of the island spying on foxy and his young maiden hanging by the shore holding hands and staring off into the deep blue sparkling sea.

Today's plan was to take him back to his real home forcefully so, he can become a king and marry chica

Just that they will try to take him with mangle being out of sight, the guard's knew that foxy has his eye's on mangle

But the rules have to be followed just like how the Queen ordered them to do

Don't hesistate to bring him back if, there is a distraction, it just doesn't matter

No matter what get's in the way....

And also a royal has to marry a royal, that's the rule in every kingdom, it's just has to be that way....


Foxy grab's mangle chin and make's her look at his face but, mostly just focus on his golden yellow eyes that seem to glow as the sun sets down finally.

He smile's sweetly at her and then presses his lips on hers gently with so much affection showing how much he really loves her.

He then part's away and just bring's mangle close to his chest.

"Lassie are ye cold? we can just head inside the ship or our house." Foxy said as mangle shakes her head.

"I feel quite alright, I prefer staying out here and watch the starry night here with you." Mangle said then kisses foxys cheek.

"I be the same lassie with ye. I just hope you don't catch a cold since it's chilly out here, I do really care about you lassie do you know that?" Foxy said putting his head atop her head since he is way taller than her.

He is 6'1 while mangle is 5'6 in height.

Mangle chuckle's and nods.

"I know that, why wouldn't I know that by now? We been with each other a year now and I noticed the first time we met, you really did care about me, I care about you too incase you didn't know." Mangle said remembering that day...

"Aye lassie, me remember's too I am really blessed to have met someone beautiful and friendly as you lassie, you mean everything bit to me, I love everything about ye lassie." Foxy said stroking mangles hair as she sighs feeling the love.

"I love you the same, you are my lover and you understand me not only that you are my hero too from saving me from my abusive life, I am really thankful I truly mean it." Mangle said hugging him tightly

"Aye, lassie it be nothing I couldn't just leave a beautiful friendly lassie like ye live that way, you deserve better than that, I don't understand how they can abuse someone like you like that." Foxy said rubbing mangles back.

"Well, I don't know it's odd, I mean my aunt also meaning the sister of my mother hated me along with her daughter's, they will abuse so much of me treating me like a slave, I know my aunt was jealous of my mother." Mangle said as foxy just nods.

"I wonder why would that be lassie but, she can't take it out on ye I say she is a crazy lassie for treating ye like this." Foxy said with a light chuckle then mangle's smile dropped down.

"Well, I heard my mom had a perfect life with my asshole of a father that left my mom after finding out about me but, I heard my dad wasn't at all like that, to me I think my aunt has something to do with my dad for a reason." Mangle says as foxy nods slowly.

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