Where are you????

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It's the next day the sun rising replacing the brightful moon, bringing in another day for some people that woke up to the next day.....

~                                                                 ~

A new day for all villager's that work off selling their merchandise to maintain their families much better and hope for a much better future

Some villager's are grateful what they have without complaining while some villager's they think differently

They think the Queen is a really greedy lady to give them more for their needs not just food and money

They want the double and they want new homes being build since the village population is growing much bigger

The reason for that is there is many pregnant village women some peasants and some middle class, who are expecting, the peasant ones don't really have much to eat and don't get enough rest

Since, they work to get money to eat and keep their babies healthy, some of them are just going to be single mother's since uncareful about to be dads abandoned their wifes not wanting to start a family or just doesn't want to deal with it

While, some sadly their husband's passed away working too hard or traveling getting ship wrecked at the seas

Or simply people that come across seas move in for a better life unlike where they lived.


Mangle flutter's her eyes open to the sun shining in her face, she let's out a yawn and looks at the ceiling smiling to herself

Thinking about her life and how she got a promise ring yesterday, making it official that foxy is hers and she is his

And they will keep their love as a promise...

She smiled more and sighed with joy knowing that one day foxy will propose to her

She is sure of it, foxy doesn't seem to be interested in no one else just her

And why wouldn't he, if he already gave her the promise ring

You can't just break it right?

She then look's to her side and doesn't see foxy sleeping by her side.

She raises her eyebrow and pouts a bit.

"Where could he be? it's early in the morning he usually doesn't leave me laying down alone." Mangle said knowing he doesn't leave her laying by herself

Especially this early in the morning...

She sighs and get's up then, throws on her white pirate dress

She sighs and get's up then, throws on her white pirate dress

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The pirate that turned out to be princeWhere stories live. Discover now