The princess meets the returned prince...

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It's been a week now since, foxy's kidnapping and being brought back to his kingdom without mangle...

He still has hope, he will reach out to mangle and deep inside, he just hopes she is safe and sound...

Deep inside, he wished that he was never a royal much more a prince of the kingdom who will soon become a king and husband to a stranger a women he doesn't even know....

He doesn't even want to meet her, he just want's mangle that's all he cares about...

He knows he will reject the princess..

He is still finding a way to get back to mangle...

Foxina chatter's with chica's father chico discussing their plans for foxy and chica..

"Are you willing to bring your daughter today?" Foxina said with a tint of hope at chico. Chico thinks for a bit and nods.

"Yes, It would be nice to bring my daughter to meet her future husband and you know how she was been waiting for him for so long, so why not just to make my beautiful princess happy." Chico said as foxina nodded

"Though, first I noticed you're son seems bothered for some reason is it because of my princess if yes, I won't let her since things can get out of hand you know." Chico added feeling unsure and uneasy about foxy

Since, he noticed when foxina called foxy to greet him foxy just seemed bothered and muttered a quiet hello.

And he noticed he is just in his own world instead of being right here in their conversation joining in.

"Nonsense, he is just getting used to being back here you know that's all, I am sure he will love you're daughter and give her all the conditional love she deserves, I am sure of it." Foxina said putting her hand on his shoulder for comfort.

He nods feeling secured and smiles back.


BB stared at a very sad mangle just staring off into the deep blue sea in deep thought.

He knew why...

It's because her lover is missing, she hasn't heard anything from him or seen him

He worried sick about mangle, he hasn't seen her smile or eat that much she just seems to be too sad....

BB stares more until he has the courage to cheer up mangle up, he walks towards her and gently taps her shoulder.

"Mangle are you alright?" BB said in concern as mangle turned around slowly with no expression at all.

"No, I am not fine I am worried sick for heaven's sake, I don't know what's of him he may be in danger or lost." Mangle said feeling so devasted

BB nods and hugs mangle's waist since he is shorter than mangle.

"Or worst dead, I can't even imagine!" Mangle said feeling a tear stream down her cheek

"Mangle don't say that, you know foxy he is a brave man, I am sure he is just out there somewhere alive, just have hope in yourself mom." BB said as mangle slowly nodded as she looked at the pearled promise ring she was given.

"Was it even a promise?" Mangle thought staring at it lost in thoughts

Where could he have possibly gone to?

Mangle questioned herself feeling her heart ache wondering why he would leave without his crew or her for a entire week!

"Thank's BB, can you please run along I need some of me alone time please." Mangle said politely hoping he doesn't take it personality, he nods in understatement giving relief to mangle.

He runs along just leaving mangle all alone staring blankly at the sea.

"Where could you be?"


Chica climbs out of her carriage feeling her heart race fast seeing the castle once again with it's beautiful garden and fountains

She wonder's how the prince looks like as she makes her way inside the castle being now greeted by some servants passing by.

She then finally make's it to the throne along with her father where she is suppose to meet the Queen and prince there

But, when she made it over there..

She just saw foxina on her throne with no sign of the prince..

Foxina notices them and get's off her throne walking towards them.

"Hi there, glad you came Princess chica." Foxina said with a bright smile. "Why wouldn't I not come you're majesty, after all I am going to meet the man of my dreams." Chica said

After saying that chica couldn't keep it in and tell her where is foxy at..

"Pardon me but, where is he at?" Chica said feeling her heart beat fast..

"He is inside the guest room, just head over there." Foxina said as chica nods walking away as her long dress dragged along the floor.


She finally made it and peeked her head quietly then.....

She feel's her heart beat very fast and her eyes widen...

She couldn't help but let her eyes trail to his features his eyes, cheek-bones, hair..

She never imagined him to be this handsome...

She smiled and finally ran towards him letting the door slam hard.

He looked up and his eyes widen...

He couldn't help but, noticed how innocent and elegant also beauty with her diamond crown and her dress that seemed to be made out of gold itself..

"It's you, I can't believe this!!!" Chica said now hugging him taking in his lovely manly scent..

Then, foxy went back to realization and he then pushed her away harshly.

Chica's eye dilated and she trembled for how scary it felt to be pushed that way....

"Why did you push me like that? What did I ever do?" Chica said quietly rubbing her right shoulder.

"You did many thing's lass." Foxy mumbled walking away from her not caring if he gave away his pirate words come out

Chica immediately felt her heart clutch then shattered in many pieces.

"Like what? I never even knew you until now, why are you being this way!?" Chica said feeling her eyes water up

Foxy then punched the wall and put his hand on his head feeling so stressed out.

"For you're fault, I had some of the most precious things taken away from me you hear, If it weren't for you I wouldn't never been back here!" Foxy said madly pointing at her aggressively.

She felt her world now fall apart, she couldn't take anymore making her now stream tears.

"How could you, I don't understand what did I ever do?!" She said still asking hoping for some answer

Foxy then put his hand on the knob of the door angrily.

"You're a disgrace!" Foxy said before he left out the door leaving a heart broken chica...

She then fell on her knees and cried out...

The pirate that turned out to be princeWhere stories live. Discover now