Going back to hell.....

271 15 4

(Next week)

Mangle walks around hearing the crew talking loudly but, she couldn't make up what their were talking about

It's all muffled up since, their gathered around in their hangout room as for mangle she is walking outside...

She couldn't help herself but, want to listen what their talking about she slowly walked and sticked her ear on the door to eavesdrop

"I heard foxy is getting marry around next week already." Bonnie said

Mangle felt a wave of sadness rushed to her, why are they talking about this

They seem to be happy about it..

"I hope our captain is happy after all that happened." Freddy said mangle heart clutched more seeming not to care about the whole situation..

They seem to be happy mangle though putting her hand on her chest to relax herself..

"Come on, I am sure he is not happy about it he loves mangle with all his heart." Mari said making mangle smile

"I don't know, I heard a rumor from my old friend in my village said during the coronation he saw them kissing." Freddy said as they gasped mangle then stood in shock

Is it true, could've he had fallen in love with her and forgotten all about me?!

"The captain, he probably forgot about his lassie what's even worst he fucked with her and now left her carrying his child." Freddy said taking a sip of his beer as mari shakes her head not agreeing.

Mangle had enough, she started to walk away and felt tears start to emerge from her eyes

Maybe this is all true, he must had forgotten all about me and he fell in love with another girl....

Mangle thought sadly as she quickly runs to her room, she decided to abandon the ship

They wants to live a different life not feeling like their constantly taking care of her like a child, she knew their being overprotective of her because foxy ordered them to keep mangle safe and he will return

Mangle gave up hope because she had enough, first he took my Virginity and now I am carrying his child

I thought, I would have a perfect life mangle thought sadly packing her stuff such as her clothes and some snacks that she stored in her room

She knew where she is heading off too....

It will be hard but, she couldn't handle living here anymore

She feels that they just feel grieve for her because of what happen but, they don't actually care about her real feelings other than that..

Mangle as she went through her things, her promise ring fell off her finger she quickly glances over to it and sighs making a very sad decision

She quickly got out a paper and a feather pen, she started to write down a note

"I am very sorry, I left you all but, I have no need to stay here any longer which is why I am leaving you all I have given up hope, I hope you all understand I will miss you all a bunch, don't worry I will go back to my hell place where I belong I was never meant to love or have any care, I am sure all of you feel bad because of the situation but, you don't really care about me other than that

But, anyways I will set off a new life with my child growing inside of me that won't have it's father his father won't accept him and I may be executed for carrying his royal baby, they might take away my baby so, I can't risk myself being seen...

I will miss you BB, Remember I will always love you and have you in my mind and foxy if you are reading this note

Thanks a lot of everything you have done while it lasted

Those times that you pressed your lips on mine made me feel like in heaven and that day you saved me

But, now you can't save me I am sorry just stay in your life as king and enjoy it with the new woman you love

I have given up hope for our love, it hurts alot I know but...

I can't handle it anymore therefore

I will give you back the promise ring since, you won't be marrying me any longer

And yes I am carrying your child but, don't even bother and I won't even make you raise the baby with me

Because you won't probably care....

Have a good life foxy..

Sincerely, mangle you're once before lover...

Mangle cries as she finishes writing it it may be a lot but, she wants them to know everything...

She then places the letter on the nightstand and puts her promise ring atop of it.

She then lays on the bed to take a nap before she leaves at Night..


Mangle opens her eyes seeing it's Night already, she quickly get's up carefully and grabs her bag then glances a last time at the room before heading out the door...

She then backs away to the wall making sure there is no one, today was her lucky day there near the village since they decided to buy some stuff for their ship so mangle can just get off and run for it..

She luckily get's out and starts to walk away successfully on the field of grass, she couldn't help but, glanced back at the ship...

Should I be doing this? Mangle thought with a sigh but, then she shakes her head and walks away before she regrets it and return..


"My son, preparations for the wedding are done." Foxina said in a excited tone as foxy turns around not liking this idea at all

"And?" Foxy answered with as sigh

"Ahem, aren't you happy?" Foxina said as foxy rolled his eyes and wanted to curse out loud

Of course not you *****

But, he wouldn't since she is his mother

"To be honest no mother, I would be happy if You would've let me marry my true love mangle." Foxy said with confidence as foxina shakes and facepalms shaking her head

"Me son, I know but, she is not royal or high class I am sorry those are just the rules through our generation's and we must respect it though if she got pregnant she would be forced to marry you without a fight even if she is low class." Foxina said seriously thinking about what springtrap told her

Mangle is a lovely girl and all, foxina likes her but, it's just the rules that makes foxina seem to not want Mangle

If mangle was royal or high class, she would've let mangle become Queen and get married to foxy...

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