I will alway's protect you

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Mangle and foxy lay peacefully on the field of flower's until foxy broke the slience between them.

"Lassie how would ye like go see my ship, have ye ever been inside one?" Foxy said making mangle turn around to face him

"Never in my life I been in one, do you have rat's and prisoner's, I am guessing?" Mangle said

Foxy laughed at mangle's question

"No, lassie I don't it's all clean and I am not that mean to prison up villager's, so are ye coming to my ship?" Foxy said getting up and puttimg out his hand for mangle to grab.

Mangle took it without hesistating.

And they walk over to his pirate ship.


They arrived and mangle look's around in wonder.

Bonnie and freddy stopped cleaning and saw her.

Foxy noticed this and signal them to continue cleaning.

"Let's start off here." Foxy said taking her hand leading her to the deck then the kitchen and more lastly, his captain's lodge.

Mangle enter's then hear's the door shut behind her.

Mangle jump's in alert and turn's around.

"Don't worry lass, I won't kidnap ye this is my captain's lodge as you can see." Foxy said showing her around, she saw a bottle with a ship inside and she saw all his swords in many sizes, and more interesting stuff.

"You really have a bunch of thing's." Mangle said as her eyes wonder around more.

"Aye, I sure do lass I treasure my item's and don't let my sailor's ever touch them, their really special to me." Foxy said

"That's kinda harsh but okay captain foxy." Mangle said with a giggle

Foxy then went behind her and grabbed her from her waist bringing her close to him.

"Ye know you can live here with me, if you really have a bad life back there with you're so called step mother." Foxy said

Mangle then thought for a bit and now with her response.

"I don't think it's a good idea, I don't want to bother you with me living here and for another reason." Mangle said as her smile dropped.

"What make's you think that lass, I will not be bothered by you, I want you're company and want you to have a better life that's all." Foxy said with smile

"Well, my step mother will get furious if she find's out I am missing." Mangle said

"Lass, she will never find ye I promise to protect ye from that witch step mother of yours, I will be like princesses say you're knight in shining armor or prince to protect ye." Foxy said with a smirk and hugged mangle close to his chest.

Mangle felt butterflies flutter in her stomach and felt her cheeks go red

This is when she realized, she really likes him but she is tempted to tell him.

"P-promise?" Mangle said looking up at him with her innocent smile

"Promise lass, this pirate will promise ye, welcome to you're new home." Foxy said making mangle smile and hug him back

She knew that she is free from the abuse and will live a different life now

The pirate that turned out to be princeWhere stories live. Discover now