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It's been one year later since, foxy and mangle met including their relationship and the Queen's search for her son but, she didn't find him or the guard's

And mangle's step-mother was rather glad that mangle is gone, that day mangle never returned she didn't mind at all but, her step-sister's did toy chica and nightmare chica

"Who is going to wash our gowns?" N. Chica said to her mother

"And polish our heels!?" toy chica said madly at her mom

"No, worries my sweet angel's the good thing is mangle is gone." She said, they agreed.

And foxy and mangle went away from the village and left the village area last year in a different location where their ship is tied up in a deck with a beautiful island with trees of fruits and a garden of bushes with a cabin

They build up, ever since they arrived there

They mostly use it for sleeping in when they don't want to sleep inside the ship or cooking meals.

While chica is losing hope that foxy will ever return, the Queen the mother of foxy told her to be patient, since she really want's chica to marry her precious son.

Just the Queen didn't tell chica that, he became a pirate

She doesn't want chica to be afraid and reject the marriage..

The Queen just hope's, he comes back not savage but gentlemen that she alway's imagined him to be.


Chica walk's up to her window feeling sadden with loss of hope.

She stare's off to the starry night with a full bright moon.

"I just hope he come's back, I feel hopeless waiting for you it's been so long, please come back." Chica said putting her hand in her chest.

"Once you return, I will make you the happiest man alive to have someone as sweet as me, that will be with you every step of the way and really love you for you, then in the future have our own little children." Chica said smiling imagining the mysterious man with their children that she will marry that will hopefully come back anytime now.

She then sighs and walk's over to her nightstand where a picture frame of her dead mother with so much beauty.

With Strawberry blonde hair and violet color eyes.

"No wonder my dad fell in love with her" chica thought sadly holding the picture frame in her hands then hugging it closely to her as a tear stream down her face.

Remembering what her dad told her how she passed away

Since chica didn't witness it....

(Flashback pov)

Chica hugged her rabbit plushie close to her and ran around the castle.

She then walked inside her father's office and climbed into his lap.

He then chuckles and places a kiss on her head.

"Is there something you need my Sweet little princess?" Chico said as chica nods looking at her father innocently.

"Do I have a mommy? All my friend's do why don't I father?" Chica said as the king then frowns sadly then sighs in defeat that it's about time

"You do have a mommy actually, a beautiful angel soaring through the sky now." He said as she nods but confused.

The pirate that turned out to be princeWhere stories live. Discover now