My love.....

308 13 3

(5 day working at the castle)

Mangle sighed as she entered the castle with her Servant attire

Mangle sighed as she entered the castle with her Servant attire

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With a messy bun, to her. Surprise this servant outfit wasn't bad at all she thinks it looks cute she thought it was going to be way different

The bad thing is that her bump is visible to been seen with this dress, her only fear is that foxy will see her...

She still loves him.....

But, she hates him in the same time..

For what he has done to her since that day leaving her telling her the truth...


Mangle grabs the broom cleaning the floor doing her job as two maids stand by a table gossiping.

"Isn't she the girl we have seen the prince with?" The maid said as the another maid nods.

"Yes, she is and look her now about to become a mother." The maid said

"I feel she may be here to win back the prince, oh how poor girl she will fail to do so, do you want to me to tell her." The maid said cleaning off a shelf that contained some books in it.

"Maybe who knows, don't tell her anything, let's just continue with our job or else we will get yelled at." The servant said in reply and the another one nods in agreement..


Bonnie passed over a letter to the guard to give to foxy, the letter that mangle has written....

Since, foxy has been secretly sending in letters recently but, hasn't receive a reply but, now he is to see the sad truth...

It comes with the promise ring too...

Chica cuddles on foxys chest, foxy just relaxing as chica showed him affection when all of a sudden the guard approached them.

"My king, a letter." He says with a bow passing it over to foxy, foxy nods then the guard leaves leaving them both alone again.

"What is it?" Chica said in curioustly as her eyes trailed over to it..

He knew it must've came from his crew or either mangle, he then get's up from the chair.

"Give me a bit chica, it's important." Foxy said in a serious tone of voice, chica nods and walks off somewhere.

Foxy then starts to open it up feeling his heart race, he hopes it's from mangle

He hasn't heard of her for 4 months now, he just wonders if she still has hope and loves him the same.....

Which is not the case right now..

He opens it up and a ring falls to the floor, he then picks it up observes it seeing it's mangles ring...

Why did she take it off... Foxy thought in worry as he put the ring in his pocket then opens up the letter

He began to read it....

It couldn't be, foxy thought..

She lost hope in me and she thinks I am in love with chica and not her...

Nonsense he said feeling himself want to cry of sadness since, this letter is heartbreaking until he got to this part....

Pregnant and that it's his..

"I got her pregnant." Foxy said in a statement feeling angry at himself

"And alone, how many months can she possibly be?" Foxy said quietly in worry that she may now ready to pop

Foxy then remembered that night it was 4 months ago.....

"4 months." Foxy said feeling very awful that mangle has lost hope and ran away from the ship....

Even more awful that she gave him back the promise ring, foxy then felt a tear streamed down his face imagining how can mangle take care of herself...

Alone with her step mother..

Foxy then knew what his mother told him...

If she were to be pregnant she will be married to foxy...

He knew he has to act quickly before he marrys chica..

Most of all foxy feels Out of this world happy that he is to become a father...

Something that he wanted always since, he loves kids..


"Great job, mangle here you go take this bag of gold coins for your every need, tomorrow don't be late." Foxina said giving mangle a bag filled with gold coins, mangle nods feeling proud of herself that she is earning herself more money..

Mangle then leaves the castle on time before Foxy came out walking towards his mother either to talk to her first or talk to chica first....

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