Love at first sight

544 22 17

(Foxy pov)

I stared into her eye's and started to feel some sort of connection, she slowly get's up and gives me a half scared and shy expression written across her lovely pale face.

"I-I said who are you i-if you d-don't m-ind me asking, are you some sort of creep that d-decided to f-follow me or s-stalk me." She said shuttering and backing a way a bit.

She seems to be afraid of stranger's and not trusting, I can tell by her lovely bright eyes that suddenly turn into fear.

I wonder why, she seems like a lovely lass to be so afraid and shy.

Time to introduce myself to this lovely lass.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt ye a beautiful lass like ye, I am foxy the pirate I was just taking a walk since I got bored being inside my pirate ship, that's when I heard a beautiful sorrowful cry coming from a beautiful lass, I then saw you and decided to make sure you're all okay." I said as she nods and start's to blush slightly, poor lass she still seems to be very sad.

I know why, she is crying over a lost one, which I am guessing is her mom.

Since the grave say's

Rest in peace, lovely mother who alway's cared for me even as a single mother.......

I don't have a mother, I wish I did I knew how she feels...

My father told me she died of drowning because she accidently fell into the water, my dad tried to save her but she sadly died when I was a newborn.

I miss my pirate father even if he was bad and will steal stuff from people and cause mischief.

I won't ever be like him, I want to be different and make sure lads and lassies in the villge aren't afraid of me.

"Thank's for you're concern foxy I am mangle, well as you see I'm crying on my mother's grave, she died 22 year's ago leaving me at age 2 my aunt took me in but, she treat's me like a slave and make's me clean up for her daughter's who I don't consider as my step sister's, I just wished she never died, she had a bad life, my father left her when she founded out she was pregnant with me, what a bad man he was to leave my mom, she never deserved any of this." She say's as tears streamed down her face when she said the last part.

What, a bad man would leave a pregnant lass alone

The lad should've been happy instead to be a father, many people don't have the ability to have children!

If it was me, I would have be very happy to be a father to be getting a lad or a lass

I would care for my future lass and get her needs, make sure she has enough rest, and talk to our little bundle of joy inside her belly.

And when the lass or lad grows up I will have adventures with my kid and my lassie.

A ungrateful man, mangle's mother never deserved this.

I can't bare seeing a beautiful lass like her cry, I couldn't help but placed my hand on her chin.

She shot's her eyes big and starts to blush more with tear's still streaming down her face.

I cleaned off the tears and looked into her lovely eyes.

She didn't say anything or tell me to remove my hand, she started to smile a bit as she stared into my eyes.

"Are you a bad pirate, are you going to kill me or worst kidnap me, I heard pirates are bad." She say's as she takes my hand away off her chin and her eyes turn back to fear.

Wow, she must think every pirate is mean

Well this pirate is not,

But I do want to steal her heart..

"Non of that lassie relax but, I do want to steal you're lovely heart of yers." I said with a smirk she blushes deeply and turns away to face the trees.

(No one pov)

Foxy then goes behind her and hugs her from behind comforting her.

She couldn't help but put her hands on him.

They sliently stayed like that until..

"Mangle!! Brat! Where could you be!!?" A woman's voice screamed through the woods.

Mangle parted and looked away in embrassment.

"Foxy, it was nice Meeting you thank's for you're comfort, it was nice Meeting a nice pirate like you but, now I must sadly go." Mangle say's as she waves goodbye and starts to walk away but foxy grabbed her hand.

"Will I ever see ye again." He say's as he look's into my eyes.

"Yes we can do that, I would love too but I gotta go, until next time foxy." She say's as he finally let's go of her, she runs away and he stands there all love sick.

She runs to her step mother which is her aunt, her aunt is looking around impatiently unti she spotted mangle.

She stomps angrily over to her and grab's mangle by the hair.

Causing mangle to whimper.

"I told ye to not sneak out without my permisson young lady, let's head home you have alot of stuff to finish up now!!" She say's as she slaps mangle across the face and leaves a red mark on her cheek.

Mangle winces in pain and holds her cheek in pain.

Her aunt drags her away pulling her hair as they walked away back to their house.

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