Small Trip

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"Hey! Get back over here!!!" Freddy screeched while he chased bonnie around the Ship who decided to prank him, while this familiar Young lady watches with her purple joyful eyes giggling but also tries to stop them.

"Guys stop chasing each other! You look like monkeys running around." Chica said as she got up from the barrel seat and watches them chase each other some more. "No! He needs pay back!" Freddy said loudly as bonnie is chuckling seeing Freddy slow down getting tired already

"Real funny Guys." Chica laughed watching Freddy stop as he panted for air crouching down, bonnie laughed in victory then goes with Chica his fiancee

He was the one to save her when her feet touched the sand over to the ocean, at first he didn't know she was a princess

But, he figured it out later on until they got to know each other even more eventually falling quickly in love

After sometime, he decided to give to purpose to her for now, she gladly said yes

Her father doesn't know about this, he stills thinks she is grieving over Foxys loss but that isn't the case

She has someone to love even if he is different or not blood Royalty related

Lastly, foxy knows about bonnie's and Chica's relationship, he couldn't be happier

"Um has someone seen my sandwich that I prepared and stored it away?" Marionette asked sorta pissed off walking around the ship seeking for answers. "Yes." Golden Freddy said in guilt as he finished the last small piece left off the sandwich

Marionette gasped and crosses her arms giving him a death glare. "You ate it didn't you?" Marionette asked as she leaned close to him seeing him now gulp in fear seeing how scary she looks right now

"You fat one of a seagull! It was my sandwich, I'll throw hands even if I love you!" Marionette said as she tackled him down to the ground with her small baby bump

That's right, she's pregnant

4 months, before she was very kind and not as moody

But now, she's double moody and would throw hands to anyone that makes her mad. "Ah! Pregnant lady attack!!!"  Golden Freddy screeched as a seagull which echoed through the ship


Foxy and Mangle along with BB walked into the Ship seeing everything in place except for Marionette chasing around golden freddy.

"Well, that's new." Foxy says as he glances at Mangle then shakes his head hoping they don't destroy his loved ship. "It feels like a long time that I haven't been here." Mangle said remembering every moment they had here including the first time, he brought her here to his Ship

"Well, we haven't been here for sometime actually ever since your pregnancy, decided to just keep those trips in a pause for your well being but, since you made me bring you here I couldn't resist." Foxy said shaking his head and pinched Mangles soft cheek softly as they both watched BB run off somewhere random

"Well well well, it's been forever you two have been here." Freddy said as bonnie is following right behind him after punching his face. "It has been a long time, I just decided to stop by here since someone made me." Foxy said with a smirk then points at Mangle

"It had to be her, someone thrilling even now as heavy." Bonnie giggled along with Toy bonnie who came back after leaving the crew along with Toy chica. "I wouldn't say that if I were you." Foxy warned as he chuckled hugging now Mangle around her somewhat widen waist

"My bad so, Mr. Royal pants what's your business here along with Mrs, hmm what Should I call of you?" Bonnie said thinking of a name for Mangle. "Don't do it." Foxy chuckled as he slowly watched bonnie stopped thinking

"Oh well, got nothing." Bonnie said giving up. "Well, I'm still the captain of this whole crew, I can be here whenever I please silly lad." Foxy said as he proudly put his hands on his hips

After that, foxy explained to them that they will just sail around for a bit around the waters. They gladly liked the idea and took sail right after.

Mangle watched as she saw the village town getting smaller and smaller from her view, she sighed as she realized their gone away for now for just a bit.

"Not bad at all, I wouldn't mind living my life here in this ship." Mangle said as she relaxed feeling the wind run through her hair.

The castle life it's great for her but this feels different, a great different that she dream of with Foxy before finding out he was actually the lost prince

She had dreams of him and her living their lifes here but, it turned out to be something much more

In an important position instead. "Who would've known." Mangle said as she smiled running her hands down her belly feeling her blessing and Foxys kick on her hand. After Foxy was done having a good time talking to Freddy and everyone else, he saw Mangle there just by herself

"Is there something wrong my dearest?" Foxy asked as he stood infront of her small frame. "No, I'm actually enjoying myself, I'm just having a flashback of memories that we made on this ship." Mangle said as she felt her eyes getting watery

Foxy chuckled knowing this is part of being a pregnant woman, he grabbed her into a hug to his chest. "You're not the only one my lass, I indeed miss our daily life here." Foxy said as he ran his hand down her hair in a comforting way

"You do?" Mangle asked parting away staring into his eyes. " I do, especially the moments with you but that's okay on the bright side, we're together." Foxy explained not wanting to say the rest

Since he knows she will get more emotional. "Can we come here often before I give birth?" Mangle asked with puppy eyes, foxy chuckled as then kisses the tip of her lip

"You know, we can't do that lass it's for your own being and our soon to be born creation." Foxy said as he puts his hands on Mangles shoulders gently. "But, we can after you give birth, we can even take longer trips too." Foxy said in a reassuring matter putting Mangles hair behind her ear

"Fair enough." Mangle said as she hugged him then cuddles on his chest feeling pure warminess and love. Right after that, foxy walked Mangle around the ship just to view the sea

Then later on, they had a big dinner all together along with the crew after such a long time


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