Oh Baby

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Back at it again with another Chapter after so long....



Started this book when I was just a freshman 🤭😂😂😂🤣🤣 along with the alice in the wonderland inspired Fangle book

Then the criminal book with Foxy and Mangle as the bad ones😅

Now I will be turning into a junior💀💀💀💀

when school starts! Too quick.....wheeze

Never been to prom or any high school event but that's okay, cause I don't have any love interest and ever did in my life but, it's okay I don't need one🖕🤣😜

I don't want to go through the pain.. that I got told of..💔🖕✌✌✌

Sad but true, until the times right especially a introverted girl like me who prefers to be alone at times


....I will try my best to keep up with the plot to bring you new Chapters to the best of my ability for you all

My apologies once again, for leaving you hanging for so long


:) Let's get started now Shall we?


Mangle tiredly yawned as she woke up then got startled seeing BB as innocent as he could be smiling at her. Mangle smiles back after having a fright...

"You scared me for a second BB." Mangle chuckled lightly seeing BB approach her. "Sorry, mom my apologies." BB replied then hugs Mangle not to tight of course since, she is pregnant

"It's okay BB, just try not to scare me next time, it can make your sister or. Brother, come early." Mangle replies with a sigh with her eyebrows relaxes then runs her hand on his brown light hair. BB eyes lighten in joy as he put his hand on Mangles belly

"So, I will see the baby earlier?! Oh boy!" BB cheered then runs his hand down her belly. Mangle laughed shaking her head since, BB is getting it the wrong way..

"Well, BB the baby can't come early or something bad can happen, it will be born when it's time which is in about in a month already don't worry, you'll meet him or her." Mangle reassure with her kind smile then pinches both of his cheeks gently

"I can't wait, can I go outside to play?" BB asked with plead in his eyes, mangle nodded as she tickled him on his stomach causing him to giggle out. "Of course, you don't even have to ask BB, just be safe and don't prank the Servants or anyone else in the castle." Mangle said now seeing him smile in joy walking out of the Door

(Mangle pov)

It sure feels good to be a mother figure to BB.. something that he didn't really have...

It will be much better when we become one happy family, I sometimes miss my old village life beside my Aunt and my step sisters who are actually my cousins..

Now, I must bare living this new life of mine as Royalty, who would've ever known that a pirate was actually a prince...

I guess, we both have our bad beginnings and now we're having a better life than that

It's like fate pulled us together even though we struggled with pain and tears

But, now things seem to be going very well without any struggles

(End of Mangles pov)

  After Foxy finished his Duties, he walked up stairs over to his room and Mangles of course. He peeks his head inside seeing her attempt to put on a necklace that he gifted her Yesterday.

He has gave it to her after he finished his duties yesterday, he decided to get the most expensive necklace for her in a local Jewelry Shop near by the Castle with many choices of whatever you look for

Such as bracelets, diamond rings, silver rings, golden rings, diamond necklaces and the list goes on!

"Hey, foxy sweetheart." Mangle called out hoping he can help her put it on. Foxy already knew her struggle as he quickly walked behind her without Mangle noticing thinking he was besides her but, no..


She turns around behind her and she jumps. Foxy notices and apologizes

"I'm fine, nothing to worry about BB also frighten me earlier after I woke up he was just there, made my heart race and I jumped." Mangle explained with a chuckle while she caressed her Golden necklace in her hand with a crystal in a shape of a heart

"Oh Dear, is the baby okay after those two frights?!" Foxy asked concerned as his hands landed on her swollen baby bump. Mangle chuckled as she gave him a reassuring kiss putting her hands over his.

"The baby is okay love, stop apologizing, I'm okay along with our little one, I reassure you so don't worry." Mangle said then leans over to kiss Foxy, foxy responded by leaning over then began to kiss her as his hands ran down her hair while her hands on his face

The kiss turned more heated afterwards when Foxy began to kiss her hungrily on her lips causing a small moan to escape from her lips. "Mmmm." Mangle cries out as he tongue went inside of her mouth exploring around

"I don't know, what I would do if I never got you back." Foxy said as he grabbed her waist then began traveling with her making her back over to the bed. "Me either, I would probably jump off a bridge." Mangle said without thinking

He blinks at her word then lifted up her chin into her eyes. "With our Baby?" Foxy asked pained imagining...

He could imagine how he would receive that awful tragic news if she would've done it.."Well, we would've both dead and be happy together in heaven." Mangle explained with a sigh and nod

He sits her on the bed and kisses her on her neck. "If you would've done that, I would kill myself just for you and my pain, I'm glad you didn't." Foxy said grateful with a breathy tone of voice, he then pins her down carefully on the bed

He starts to have a kissing session with her on the bed until, he felt as he got kicked. He frozed and stared into Mangles eyes who is giggling realizing what just occurred. "Seems like he or she doesn't want daddy to kiss me." Mangle giggled feeling more kicks

Foxy chuckled realizing that it was their own baby that kicked him. "Well, guess what I love your mother so much." Foxy chuckled as he spoke to Mangles belly now laying besides it with his hand placed over it feeling strong kicks

Mangle giggled but then winced when she felt an intense kick. "Our baby is a strong one." Mangle giggled through the pain, foxy laughed then looked at her concern

"It sure is just like me but, are you sure those are not contractions?" Foxy asked running his hand gently feeling their baby move around instead of kicking. "I'm sure, I'm okay our baby is just a strong kicker but, I'm sure it got it from me." Mangle said relieved that the baby finally relaxed

"No, from me." Foxy smirked wiggling his eyebrows. Mangle shaked her head. "You're funny but, sad but true it's correct." Mangle admitted now seeing him yawn as he carefully placed his head on her belly hearing the heart beat

Mangle smiled at him running her pale figures down his red crimson red. After this, foxy fell asleep on her with small snores Mangle decided not to disturb him then went to sleep once again.


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