Hard to take in..

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"Yes, what would that be?" The Foxina as in the Queen said taking her cup of tea that was setted on the table with food for her to eat.

The Two guard's both gave each other glances in the same time and whispered something between them then to foxina who has her eyebrow raised up questionable wondering what's going on.

"Actually, you're highness after you have you're dinner we can talk to you, we want you to enjoy you're dinner for now my Queen." The Guard said as the another one nodded in agreement.

The Queen hesitated and wanted to know right away, it seem to be important and something tells her it might be important too.

She smiles at both of them and sets down her tea cup filled with Cherry blossom tea.

As the guard's were about to leave, she stops them before they could.

"Guard's, come over here." Foxina said the guards stopped and walked back to her.

"Yes, you're majesty is there anything you need?" The same guard said

"In this instant can you tell me about it, I wouldn't mind at all, just tell me about it please it does sound important, So just tell me." The Queen said glancing to the two guards.

As the Guards kinda fidget their hands nervously but then they focused and decided to listen to her

After all she is the Queen

You must alway's obey the Queen no matter what...

"My Queen, it will be hard to take it but, we saw you're son the lost prince you been yearning for all this years back at the village." The guard said as the Queen felt her heart beat fast and she then got up hoping they brought him along.

"My son really? Where is my young man?" Foxina said starting to leave but, then the guard stop's her.

"Sadly, not you're highness we didn't bring you're lost son with us, Pardon me but it was for a reason." The other guard said feeling bad for the Queen who now takes her seat on the chair and take's another sip of her tea.

"I can't believe you, what reason was that for my guard's?!" Foxina said raising her voice a bit at them.

Causing the guards to get anxious...

"We just thought it would've been hard for you to take in since, you're son is not what he seems like you dreamed of, and we didn't want you to get upset seeing not what you expected." The guard said calmly to calm her down.

The Queen softens her face and puts her hand on her chest.

"What do you mean by that, I am sure my son is what I expected, gentlemen and kind, what make's you say that?" Foxina said seriously but calmly at them.

"This will be hard for you to take in my Queen but, the reason we said that well, you're son is a pirate a man out of control for sure just like every other pirate, you're majesty." The Guard said as her eyes widen in shock and almost chokes her tea.

"We are truly sad about that." The guard added and looking with a face of sympathy at Queen foxina.

"I can't believe this, my son turned into one of those monsters that took him away that night, what a shame of my precious son to turn into a beast!" The Queen said as she got up from the table as the guards stood back.

"I need a moment!" The Queen said abandoning the table with her food and the guards who started to regret telling her about it.

She dashed away as tear's streamed down her face to her room, she then locks herself up and tries to take it all in.


When mangle and foxy got back from the village after picking up some food for them and his whole crew, foxy ordered his crew mates to put away the food.

As foxy and mangle chatted near the ship deck.

Foxy as a pirate just order's just like a king but not royal...

Little does he know

He is royalty and a lost prince, he just doesn't know it.

"Foxy was it just me or I felt like if, we were being watched back in the village? Mangle said

Foxy shooked her head and kissed mangles hand.

"I don't think so lass, maybe you just felt that way since you were probably being paranoid, it happens to me too lass just to remind you again, I will alway's be there for you and love you forever me lass." Foxy said rubbing her hand reassuring her.

"I guess my love." Mangle said as she quickly pecks him on the cheek.

But part of her is telling her that someone was definitely watching them both.

"Supper is ready captain and for you're mate!" BB said behind foxys back making foxy quickly turn away to face him.

"Aye, lad me and my beloved lassie will be there." Foxy said in respond as BB ran off to the table where the food is being served by bonnie.

"Aye, the lad be nice." Foxy said chuckling as mangle nods her head in agreement.

"I agree, he seems to be younger than the rest of you're crew." Mangle said as foxy slowly nods.

"He is and for me, he is just like my son since I took him in as a much little boy than he is now for me." Foxy said remembering that day he met a small BB.

"How did you find him? if you don't mind me asking." Mangle said foxy frowns a bit but smiles again.

"I found him suffering in the street without food or water, I was just walking in the village when I saw him there begging for some food, I felt sad for that poor laddie, so I took him into my ship and he become part of the crew just at age 7 now, my boy BB is 12." Foxy said as mangle feels sad hearing this.

"You're so nice for doing that, you seem to adore kids." Mangle said foxy then nods

"I do lassie, I have a heart for them too, there very adorable I would say, I would even want some of my own." Foxy said then mangle blushes a bit.

After that they talked as they finally made their way to the dining area.

The pirate that turned out to be princeWhere stories live. Discover now