Chapter 16

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We make our way to Alex's room which is down the hall from ours. We knock on it.
There's a peep hole, so I put my finger on it.  Kelly just chuckles at my action. Until the door opens.
"Sage!" Alex yells and hugs me.

"I'm here too!" Kelley tells us, standing next to us. We laugh and I stay hugging Alex. Once we part, she grabs my hand and leads me inside. When we walk. There's Alex's roommate with her back to us. Wait I know the messy bun from anywhere.

"Carli!!" I run over and jump on her.
"You're such a child" Carli says as she laughs and puts me down.

"Sorry I just missed you!" I tell her.
"Yeah I can tell" she says giving me a smile.
I walk back to Alex. She's having a conversation with Kelly but I can't hear since they're whispering.
"What you guys talking about?" I ask them curious.
"Oh nothing" Kelley responds. I nod and I jump on Carli's bed.

"So when is the meeting and stuff?" I ask her since I'm sure she's captain.
"In an hour, giving us time to settle in" she tells me folding her clothes.

"Hey babe want to go with me to the Cafè that's in front of the hotel?" Alex asks me.

"Babe?" Carli questioned, mostly to me.

"Uh Alex and I -" I was looking at Alex for some answer.

"We're sorta a thing" I tell her. She looks at Alex, and gives her a stern look. There goes protective Carli.

"We're gonna have to talk later Alex" she tells Alex in a very serious tone.

I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding. I gulp. I get up from the bed.

"Anyway, yeah let's go!" I grab her hand and we head downstairs. Kelly coming with us also. We were about to leave until we saw a few of our teammates hanging in the lobby. Not only that but, Alex is holding hands with me. Good way to make an impression on my new teammates.

"Well well well" I hear from beside me as Alex and I approach the group of girls. Megan Rapinoe. She eyes Alex and I.

"Hi I'm Sage" I tell her sticking my hand out. She shakes it

"So are you two?-" she was interrupted by Kling.

"It's Salex, Pinoe" she tells her, both looking at me for some type of confirmation. Now grabbing everyone's attention in the room. All eyes on Alex and I. Alex squeezes my hand. I look down at her and she's looking up at me smiling.

"Polar bear here" Sonnett says coming over, in between Alex and I. Her arms on our shoulders. She's on her tippy toes though. Which makes me laugh at her a little, and she lightly hits my shoulder for it. "- is dating baby horse" she finally says finishing her sentence. They all walk to me. Eyeing me.

"Can you guys move out the way, so I can see my new best friend" someone says.
I recognize it. It's Ashlyn. She pushes a few of them over. Once we see other, we smile at each other mischievously. We hug each other and pull apart. Still being eyed by the girls. I might as well say something.

"I'm Sage Wilder" I tell them, greeting them. I stick my hand out and walk towards them.
I come face to face with Sam Mewis. We're literally the same height. She shakes my hand and leans over to whisper in my ear

"We're just protective of our teammates, it's not personal" she whispers in my ear. I shake hands with the others. I met them all one by one. Sam, Mal, Becky, Alyssa, and Julie.

"We aren't together, we're taking things slow" Alex finally tells them. They nod understanding. They all smile at me. We decided to invite everyone to get coffee. I got to know them better. We head back to the hotel and go inside a conference room. Team meeting. I sit by Tobin and Ashlyn. While Alex sits with Allie and Kelly.

"We have a new player, a good addition to the Team" Jill says grabbing everyones attention. Not everyone has personally met me. "Come up here Sage!" She says smiling at me. I get up and make my way to the front. Everyone eyeing me.
"I'm Sage Wilder" I say awkwardly smiling.

Tobin and Ashlyn start whistling and Cheering. Making me laugh and playfully glare at them.

"Tell us some stuff about yourself" Jill tells me.

"I'm turning 28 next month, my favorite color is navy blue. I was born in New Jersey.-" I was cut off by clapping and Tobin's whistling. I chuckle.
"I went to Standford-" I was once again cut off by clapping and whistling.
"I have 2 siblings." I finally finish.

"Thank you for sharing with us" Jill tells me. I walk back to my seat. She starts the meeting. We talk about the training and what we are going to be focusing on. Once the meetings over. We get ready to eat dinner. I grab my plate and start adding food to it. I walk over to Dawn, to get it approved. "Hey we'll be doing tests on you, to get more information on you. So we know your daily intake" she tells me.

"Looking forward to it" I tell her grabbing my plate back. She smiles and shes shakes her head. She knows I'm being sarcastic. I sit at a table, waiting for everyone to get there plates. After while. Alex sits next to me. Tobin and Ashlyn arguing about who gets to sit next to me. Tobin ends up sitting next to me. Ashlyn sits across from us. Carli sits in front of me. Along with Becky, Julie, and Christen sit with us. I haven't talk to Christen yet. I need to though. I've talked with Tobin about it already too.
We eat and eventually start goofing off with one another. Cracking jokes and just talking about soccer.

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