Meeting him (Holoform)

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Today you were out in the forest bird watching since it was Saturday. Earlier you, your younger sister and your dads made breakfast together before you went bird watching. As you were walking you weren't looking where you were going and you accidentally bumped into a man and knocked him over.

"Oh, I am so sorry, are you okay?" You asked the man as you helped him up.

"Yes, I am fine." The man replied as he stood up.

"I'm sorry for knocking you over, it's just that I was busy looking for birds." You said as you blushed.

"That sounds.....logical." The man said in a monotone voice.

"My name is Y/n." You said as you introduced yourself.

"I am....Simon." Shockwave told you, not wanting you to know that he wasn't human.

You and Simon then began talking and you found out that he was a scientist.

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