He gets turned into a dog

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Today Shockwave had been working on some sort of potion while Steve helped him since everyone else was busy. Unfortunately Steve accidentally knocked the potion over onto Shockwave.

"Steve, is Shockwave okay?" You asked when you saw Shockwave shrink.

"Yes, but he seems to have turned into a dog." Steve said.

"Really?" You asked Steve as he came to gently pick you up.

"Yep, see?" Steve asked you as he took you over to Shockwave and carefully put you on the floor.

"Awwww, look how fluffy he is!" You said happily as you ran over to Shockwave and instantly began petting him.

"I know right, he's such an adorable dog." Steve said as he watched you pet Shockwave.

"It is kinda strange that he doesn't have a mouth though." You said as you looked at Shockwave better.

"That's a trait that's leftover from when he was Cybertroinian." Steve told you.

"How long is this going to last?" You asked Steve.

"He said that the potion currently works for forty five minutes." Steve told you before he left the lab.

"Come on Shockwave." You said as you stood up and began walking.

Shockwave only sat there and watched you curiously.

"Aren't you going to follow me?" You asked Shockwave when you realized that he wasn't following you.

Shockwave only cocked his head to the side as he watched you.

"Okay, stay here, I'll be right back." You said as you went to grab something from your living room.

Shockwave laid down as he waited for you to return. When you did he saw that you were holding a tennis ball in your hand.

"Go on Shockwave, get the ball!" You said as you threw the ball.

Shockwave only laid there as he watched the ball roll away.

"I guess you only want to be pet." You said as you sat down next to Shockwave and began petting him.

You were surprised when Shockwave rolled over onto his back and wagged his tail. You instantly began to rub his belly, making him wag his tail more. After a while he fell asleep so you decided to watch him until he turned back to normal.

Once Shockwave turned back to normal and woke up you went back to your house while he started working on the potion again.

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