Techno organic

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Jasper and Lucy are now eight years old. And they do not use a key to transform

Today when you got home from work you saw Shockwave outside your house with Jasper and Lucy. Since it was Saturday your kids didn't have school. Right as you were getting out of your car you saw Lucy transform into her techno organic form.

"Mom, I transformed!" Lucy said happily as you walked over to her.

"I saw, you did a good job." You said as you hugged her.

"Wait till you see me transform!" Jasper said as he tried transforming.

At first, nothing happened. But after a few minutes Jasper was able to transform. He looked a lot like Lucy, exept some of his armor looked a little different.

"You both have done an excellent job at transforming." Shockwave said as he activated his holoform.

"You both are growing up so much." You said as you tried not to cry.



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