You meet the other Decepticons

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This chapter happens before Predaking learns to transform

Also, Breakdown is alive in this book

When you had woken up you remembered that you were no longer with your parents so you got out of bed and did your normal morning routine. When you were done Shockwave came to get you so that he could introduce you to the other Decepticons. You were a little nervous though when he walked towards a giant metal dragon.

"Y/n, this is Predaking." Shockwave told you as Predaking lifted his helm and looked at you.

"H-hey Predaking." You said nervously as you reached your hand out for him to sniff.

"It appears he has accepted you." Shocwave said as Predaking leaned into your touch.

After Shockwave introduced you to Predaking he took you to meet Megatron, Starscream and Soundwave.

"Ah, Shockwave, I see you brought the human." Megatron said when he saw you sitting on Shockwave's servo.

"Indeed, I thought it would be logical for you to meet her." Shockwave told Megatron.

"Hey." You said quietly as Megatron looked at you.

"Hmmm, she seems....acceptable, but make sure that she doesn't cause trouble." Megatron told Shockwave.

"Yes Lord Megatron." Shockwave said.

"Hello there, little fleshy." Starscream said with a smirk when Shockwave brought you over to him.

"Hi, you must be Starscream." You said as you looked at him.

"Yes, I am." Starscream grumbled.

"Y/n, this is Soundwave, he has taken a vow of silence." Shockwave told you as he walked over to Soundwave.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." You told Soundwave.

Soundwave nodded his helm as a greeting before Shockwave took you to the med bay where Knockout and Breakdown were fixing 5t3v3/Steve.

"Knockout, Breakdown, this it Y/n." Shockwave said as he walked into the med bay.

"So that's the human Lord Megatron had you get, I must admit that she's quite pretty, for a human." Knockout said as he winked at you, making you blush.

"She better behave herself." Breakdown said grumpily.

"Hi Y/n, it's nice to meet you." 5t3v3/Steve said.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you too-." You said.

"Oh, my designation is 5t3v3, but everyone who's friendly calls me Steve." Steve said.

"Well then Steve, I'm glad to meet you." You said with a smile.

Before you knew it Shockwave had to take you back to his lab, but you and Steve made plans to hang out sometime.

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