You spend time with Predaking

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Just recently Predaking had learned that he could transform and ever since then you and him would hang out with each other. When he had revealed that he could transform you were shocked, but you were also happy that you could now understand what he was saying.

"Y/n, would you mind accompanying me on a flight?" Predaking asked you as you sat on a counter.

"Yes, if it's not too much trouble." You replied.

"It's no trouble, I assure you." Predaking told you as he let you get on his servo.

When Predaking arrived on the flight deck he carefully put you down and transformed into his dragon form. You then climbed onto his back and he took off flying, but also making sure that you weren't going to fall off of him.

For the entire day Predaking flew around and showed you his favorite places on Earth and you showed him some of yours. You had almost convinced him to take you home but you knew that Soundwave was following Predaking to make sure that you wouldn't escape.

By evening time Predaking arrived back at the Nemesis and took you back to Shockwave's lab.

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