He finds out you're ticklish

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Ever since you escaped the Autobots Shockwave wanted to make sure that you weren't carrying any tracking devices. When he asked you to remove your clothes you blushed and yelled at him for being a pervert. So instead he was using his holoform to feel if you had any tracking devices.

"You better hurry, this is embarrassing." You muttered.

"It is illogical for you to be embarrassed, I am only making sure that there are no tracking devices on you." Shockwave said.

As he was feeling around your sides you tried to hold back a laugh, but failed miserably. When Shockwave noticed the odd sound you just made he repeated his movements, making you laugh.

"What is that odd sound you make when I touch you?" He asked you after a few minutes.

"I-I'm ticklish." You said as you blushed.

"My apologies then for touching you where you are ticklish." Shockwave said as his holoform fizzled out.

"Do I have any tracking devices on me?" You asked him curiously.

"Thankfully no." Shockwave said as he turned around to go work on something.

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