He takes you

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It had been a week ever since you had seen the giant robot and since you hadn't seen him you thought that it was safe to go outside again. While you were out bird watching you saw a bald eagle in a tree, feeding her babies something.

After a few minutes of watching the eagle you felt the ground start to shake and you heard the fimallir sound of giant footsteps. You then started running towards your house until you were picked up by a giant hand.

"LET ME GO YOU FUCKING CYCLOPS!" You yelled at the robot.

"It would be illogical for me to let you go, especially since you know of my existence." Shockwave told you.

"Who are you anyway?" You asked angrily.

"My designation is Shockwave." Shockwave told you as a big greenish blue portal opened up.

"No, do you dare take me through that!" You screamed as Shockwave began walking towards the groundbridge.

You knew that you probably wouldn't ever see your dads or your younger sister ever again. You then passed out during your panic attack.

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