Your daughter's first period

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Jasper and Lucy are now twelve years old

It was a peaceful Saturday morning. When you woke up you did your morning routine and went to go make breakfast. When you walked into the kitchen you saw Shockwave's holoform making breakfast.

"Y/n, I have made breakfast for you and our kids." Shockwave said when he saw you.

"Thanks, Shocky." You said as you walked into the kitchen and kissed him.

"Did someone say breakfast?" Jasper asked as he entered the kitchen.

"Yes, I have prepared breakfast." Shockwave said as he pulled away from the kiss.

"Where's Lucy?" You asked Jasper.

"She's crying in the bathroom." Jasper said as he went to go eat breakfast.

You and Shockwave looked at each other before you went to the bathroom. When you got there you heard Lucy sobbing. So you knocked on the door. After a few minutes she opened the bathroom door.

"Lucy, did you start?" You asked her.

"Y-yeah." Lucy said as she cried.

"Did you put a pad on and take aspirin?" You asked her.

"Yes, but I'm still in pain. And I'm not hungry." She said.

"Go back to bed, you can eat when you're ready." You said.

"Thanks mom." Lucy said as she hugged you.

After Lucy went back to her bedroom you went back to the kitchen. You then told Shockwave what had happened.

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