First steps

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While you were at work Shockwave was taking care of Jasper and Lucy. While he was sitting on the couch reading a book Jasper looked at him.
Jasper then pulled his legs under him, pressed his chubby little hands on the floor and slowly stood up. Unfortunately he fell down right after he stood up, but that didn't stop him because he tried again. When he stood up for the second time he didn't fall over.

"Sire!" Jasper said happily as he took a few wobbly steps towards the couch.

"You are doing a good job of walking for the first time." Shockwave said as he helped Jasper up onto his lap.


It was almost dinner time and you were cutting something in the kitchen. When Lucy smelled food she crawled to the kitchen doorway and saw you cooking. She then did what she saw Jasper do and she quickly figured out how to stand up.

"Food!" Lucy said happily as she took a few wobbly steps into the kitchen.

"You're walking!" You said happily as you put the knife down on the cutting board so that you could go over and pick Lucy up.

"Food now?" Lucy asked you curiously.

"In a few minutes." You said as you put Lucy in her high chair.

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