A few years later/he finds you

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It had been four years since Shockwave brought you back home. You now lived in a house in the middle of the desert in Arizona. Sure, it was hot there, but you loved it. As for Shockwave, he had found a way to come back to Earth. He had also found out where you lived. One day after you got home from work you saw a fimillar tank parked near your house.

"Shockwave?" You asked as you got out of your car.

Your eyes widened when you saw Shockwave's holoform appear in front of you.

"Y/n, it is good to see you again." Shockwave said.

"I missed you so much!" You cried as you hugged him.

Shockwave pulled you in for a passionate kiss that made your heart almost stop. When he pulled away he saw that you were blushing. That night he told you how he escaped the Autobots and came back to Earth to live with you.

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