Spark bonding

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About two days after you became Cybertronian you noticed a tugging feeling in your spark when you were with Shockwave. When you asked him about it he told you that his spark felt the same way when he was with you. So tonight you both decided to become Conjunx Endura. You were a little nervous, but you were also happy that you could become closer to the mech that you loved. Once night time came you and Shockwave found a romantic spot in a forest.

"Y/n, once we do this there will be no turning back, we will be bonded for the rest of our lives." Shockwave said as you laid on the grass.

"I know, and that's what I want." You said as Shockwave got on top of you.

"Very well." Shockwave said as he opened his chest plates, revealing his bright purple spark.

"I love you." You whispered as you opened your chest plates, only to reveal your S/c spark.

When Shockwave pressed his chassis against yours you felt your spark float out of your spark chamber to merge with his. You moaned in pain as your spark merged with his. But after a few moments you felt pleasure. You also felt all of his emotions and saw all of his memories. You saw all of the experiments that he had done on Cybertron and on Earth and you saw his memories from when he was growing up on Cybertron.

Shockwave also felt all of your emotions and saw all of your memories. He also saw that you loved him, despite all of the horrible things that he had done in the past. Once the bond was complete your sparks went back into your spark chambers. After you both closed your chest plates he removed your-


The rest of this chapter is posted privately on my ao3 account for adults only.

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