When you're sad

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You had been living on the Nemesis for a few months now and you really missed your dads and sister. Today was your dad's anniversary and you had to miss it. You stayed in bed and cried because you really wished that you were home.

"What seems to be bothering you today?" You heard Shockwave ask.

"Why would you care?" You asked as you peeked out from under your blanket.

"Because I want to know why you're crying." Shockwave said.

"It's my dad's wedding anniversary today and I have to miss it." You said as you cried harder.

"I see.....do your sires really mean that much to you?" Shockwave asked you.

"Y-yeah, they do." You said as you wiped your tears away.

"I can't take you to them, but I did manage to get this for you." Shockwave said as he carefully handed something to you.

"Thank you Shockwave, I needed this." You said when you saw the item he gave you was a picture of you and your sister with both of your dads.

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