The first night with your twins

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That night after you and Shockwave got Jasper and Lucy to sleep you fell asleep quickly. Everything was quiet that night, until about three in the morning that is. When you heard Jasper and Lucy crying you instantly woke up and ran to the nursery.

"It's okay, I'm here now." You said as you walked into the nursery.

You first picked Lucy up so that you could feed her first. As you sat in the comfy chair while feeding Lucy you saw Shockwave's holoform walk into the nursery.

"Could you please hand Jasper to me?" You asked Shockwave.

Shockwave picked Jasper up out of his crib and handed him to you. When you offered your other nipple to Jasper he instantly began drinking from it. You smiled as you watched both your son and your daughter happily drink. Once Lucy was done Shockwave took her and burped her, unfortunately she spit up a little on his shoulder. You tried not to laugh at the look Shockwave had on his face.

"It probably would have been logical for me to use a burp cloth." Shockwave said slowly.

"Yes, it would have." You said as you stood up and went to get a burp cloth after Jasper was done drinking.

Shockwave changed Lucy as you burped Jasper. Once both of your babies were ready to go back to sleep you and Shockwave put them back into their cribs. Then you both went back to your bedroom. As you were getting into bed Shockwave took his shirt off before he joined you in bed.

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