He gets turned into a sparkling

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Today Shockwave was givin a relic by Megatron so that he could see what it did. You were on the counter as Shockwave looked the relic over. The relic was about the size of his servo and it was round with a few buttons on the top. When Shockwave pressed one of the buttons a beam of light engulfed him and you watched him shrink.

"Shockwave, are you okay?" You asked as you peeked over the edge of the counter after the beam of light went away.

When you saw Shockwave he looked different. He was smaller than normal. You were surprised when he started making babbling sounds. You then realized that he was turned into a baby....or whatever Cybertroinians called them. You climbed down the latter that Shockwave attached to the counter and ran to Shockwave.

"Great, now what am I supposed to do?" You asked as you looked at Shockwave.

Shockwave was about the size of a human three year old so you picked him up and carried him out of his lab.  You were thankful that he had installed sensors on his lab doors that could detect you. As you walked down the long hallway to the med bay he began crying, making the Vehicons and Eradicons look at you.

"Don't worry, there's nothing to see here." You said as you began walking faster as Shockwave began crying louder.

"It doesn't look like nothing." You heard someone mutter.

"There there, I've got you, please stop crying." You cooed to Shockwave, which only made him cry even louder.

Once you got to the med bay you saw Knockout and Breakdown watching cute animal videos on a datapad. But they looked at you as soon as you walked in with Shockwave, who was sobbing.

"Is that.....Shockwave?!" Knockout asked you curiously.

"Yes, he got turned into a sparkling by the new relic and now he won't stop crying." You said loudly, hoping Knockout and Breakdown could hear you.

"Don't worry Doll, I think he's just tired." Knockout said as he knelt down so that you could give Shockwave to him.

After a few minutes Knockout was able to get Shockwave to recharge in his servo.

"How did you know what to do?" You asked Knockout curiously.

"Back on Cybertron I had a sparkmate and a sparkling." Knockout said sadly as he tried not to cry.

"Can you help me get Shockwave back to normal?" You asked Knockout.

"Yes, I can." Knockout said as he gently picked you up and went to Shockwave's lab.

Once Shockwave was back to normal you thanked Knockout before he went back to the med bay.

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