He proposes

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One evening Shockwave asked you to go out for a walk with him. You found it very strange that Shockwave was asking you to go out on a walk with him. So as you were out walking next to his holoform you held his hand.

"It's a nice evening." You said as you both walked.

"Indeed it is." Shockwave said as he stopped walking and got in front of you.

When he got down on one knee and pulled a small box out of his pocket your eyes widened. You shed a few tears when you saw him open the box only to reveal a beautiful engagement ring.

"Y/n, when Lord Megatron ordered me to capture a human I was against the idea. When I captured you my only intent was to study you, but after several months I realized that I had grown feelings for you. Up until I fell in love with you I was a mostly emotionless mech who was only interested in science, but I have come to realize that I can't live without you. F/n, M/n, L/n, will you be my wife?" Shockwave asked you.

"Yes Shockwave! I will!" You said happily as he slid the ring onto your ring finger.


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