He saves you

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You were in Shockwave's lab while he was talking to Megatron. You knew that he would be back soon but you were getting bored. You suddenly heard someone walk into the lab and you thought it was Shockwave. Until you saw that it was Starscream.

"Hey Starscream, what did you need?" You asked him as he walked over to you.

"I need you off of this ship, fleshy." Starscream sneered as he roughly grabbed you.

'Hey, let me go!" You yelled as Starscream turned around and headed for the lab door.

"No, I don't think I will, I'd rather watch you fall from the flight deck." Starscream said as he walked.

"Let my go you stripper!" You yelled as you banged your fists on his servo.

"Don't you dare use that tone with me!" Starscream said angrily as he brought you up to his face and squeezed you.

"You ha-have no right t-to kill me." You wheezed.

"Starscream, let Y/n go!" Shockwave said as he walked in the lab.

"Here, you can have her." Starscream said as he threw you and left the lab.

You closed your eyes and screamed as you got closer to the ground but when you felt something catch you. When you opened your eyes you saw that Shockwave had caught you.

"Are you alright?" Shockwave asked you.

"Y-yeah, thanks for saving me." You said nervously.

"It was the most logical thing to do." Shockwave said as he put you on his shoulder.

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