First kiss

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You and Shockwave had just returned to the Nemesis after your very first date. You were thankful that the hallways were quite for once. When Shockwave got back to his lab he carefully put you in your bedroom before he activated his holoform.

"I had a great time tonight." You said softly.

"As did I." Shockwave said as he hugged you.

When you noticed how close your face was to his you couldn't help but blush a little. You both closed your eyes and pressed your lips together. You couldn't believe that Shockwave was kissing you! You moaned into the kiss as he gripped your butt. When he pulled away from the kiss you saw that he was blushing.

"Goodnight Y/n, I will see you in the morning." Shockwave said before his holoform fizzled away.

"Goodnight, Shockwave." You said before you did your nightly routine.

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