You give birth

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As each contraction passed you were starting to get tired. You knew that you needed to keep going, even though it was hard. Shockwave had been able to get the things that he would need for when your babies were born.

"Y/n, it's time to start pushing." Shockwave said.

"I-I'll tr-try!" You said as you started pushing.

"You're doing good." Shockwave said as he got ready to catch the first baby.

"Easy for you to say! You're not the one who has to push two screaming watermelons out of a pinhole!" You yelled as you kept pushing.

You screamed and yelled and cried from how much pain you were in. It would be a miracle if you even survived this. A while later you finally pushed your daughter out. When Shockwave caught her he cut the cord quickly went to go wash her off. She of course was screaming her head off.

Once she was wrapped in a soft pink blanket and placed into a basket with a fluffy blanket inside Shockwave returned to you. After another hour or so your son was born. He was also screaming his head off. After Shockwave cut the cord and washed your son off and wrapped him in a soft blue blanket he put both your son and your daughter in your arms.

"How are you feeling?" Shockwave asked you.

"I f-feel tired." You said as you tried to stay awake.

"You should be fine since you didn't lose too much blood." Shockwave said as he kneeled down next to you.

You smiled as you looked at your new son and daughter. They both had your skin tone and facial features, but they had Shockwave's hair color and red eyes.

"They're perfect." You said as your babies looked at you.

"I agree. But what should we name them?" Shockwave asked you.

"How about..... Jasper and Lucy." You said after a few minutes.

"Those names are logical." Shockwave said as he kissed your forehead.

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