He meets your parents

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Today you were extremely nervous because your dads were coming to visit you. Normally your sister would come with them, but she had a school trip that she needed to go on. As you cleaned your living room you saw Shockwave pass by your front window. After you finished cleaning you put your duster and vacuum away and you went outside.

"Shockwave! You need to hide." You said seriously.

"That would be illogical, you know that your sires will need to meet me someday."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." You said as your dads pulled up to your house.

"Y/n." D/1/n said as he stepped out of the car.

"So we're assuming that this is Shockwave?" D/2/n asked you as he got out of the car.

"Yes papa. Yes father. This is Shockwave." You said as you smiled.

"It is an honor to meet both of you." Shockwave said as he he activated his holoform.

"So you're the one who took our little girl away from us." D/1/n said sternly.

"Papa!" You said as you blushed.

"Yes, I did." Shockwave said.

You and Shockwave then lead your dads inside your house so that your dads could get to know Shockwave better.

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