First words

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Today you were visiting Shockwave in his lab that he made for his holoform to fit in. You had also brought Jasper and Lucy with you, but you had to keep a close eye on them. As you were talking to Shockwave he was mixing something.

"B-Bi-Bill N-Nye!" Jasper said happily as he watched Shockwave mixing something in a beaker.

"I am your sire, not an actor on tv." Shockwave told Jasper.

"Bill Nye!" Jasper said again.

"You taught him that, didn't you?" Shockwave asked you.

"Who, me? Never." You said, trying to sound innocent.

"It is illogical for you to tell a white lie." Shockwave said as he looked at you.

"Fine, you caught me." You huffed.


You and Shockwave had just finished feeding Jasper and Lucy their dinner. Tonight you both had given them banana strawberry flavored baby food. When Shockwave started walking to the recycling bin to put the empty baby food jar in it Lucy was sad.

"Mo-more!" Lucy demanded.

"No, you have already eaten enough for the night." Shockwave said as he went to go put the spoon in the dishwasher.

"More!" Lucy said loudly.

"Come on Lucy, lets go in the living room." You said as you picked Lucy up out of her high chair.

"More!" Lucy cried as you carried her into the living room.

"It seems your sister has a big appetite." Shockwave said as he picked Jasper up out of his high chair.

Jasper only looked at Shockwave as he was carried into the living room where Lucy was still demanding more food.

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