Valentine's day

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Today according to the calander that was on the mini datapad that Shockwave gave you it was Valentine's day. Originally you were planning on asking a boy at your old school out since you were pretty sure that he liked you, but now you couldn't. When you woke up you saw a box/bag of your favorite candy on your bed next to you and you saw a card on your nightstand, so you read it.

'Y/n, I know that today is the human holiday that celebrates love, so I got you your favorite candy and this card. I hope that you enjoy them. I will pick you up later so that I can take you for an outing.'

"Wow, I'm surprised that he remembered what my favorite kind of candy was." You said to yourself as you got out of bed.

You thought that it was sweet of him to get you your favorite kind of candy. But you decided to save it for later that day.

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