You get taken by the Autobots

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Today Shockwave had taken you with him. Everything was going great, until a groundbridge opened up. You saw a few bots walk out and Shockwave carefully put you on the ground.

"Y/n, go hide until I come to get you." Shockwave said before you started running.

"Optimus, Shockwave has been keeping a human!" Arcee told Optimus.

"Autobots, keep Shockwave busy while I retrieve the human femme!" Optimus said as the Autobots started shooting at Shockwave.

You quickly looked back to see the Autobots shooting at Shockwave. You then started running again until you tripped and fell in the dirt.

"Hey, let me go!" You yelled as Optimus carefully picked you up.

"You are safe now." Optimus told you as a groundbridge opened in front of him.

"Let me go!" You said angrily.

"Autobots, it's time we return to base." Optimus said as he and the other Autobots walked through the groundbridge.

When the Autobots left Shockwave started looking everywhere for you and he became worried when he realized that you had been taken by Optimus. He knew that he needed to get you back. And he was going to, no matter what.

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