You get a minor injury

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Today Shockwave was letting you help him clean up his counters. He moved the big stuff and you moved the small stuff, as long as it didn't have any chemicals on it.

"Thank you for helping me clean my counters." Shockwave said as you moved to clean up some broken glass.

"No problem Shockwave, I'm happy to help out where ever I can." You said with a smile.

"That is good since my lab is often a mess." Shockwave said as he moved something.

"Ahhhh!" You screamed when you felt something cut your hand.

"What happened?" Shockwave asked as he activated his holoform and ran over to you.

"I cut myself on the glass!" You said as you watched blood drip down your ankle.

Shockwave deactivated his holoform, went over to get a human first aid kit off of a different counter and quickly returned. He then activated his holoform again and carefully began to pull the small shard of glass out of your ankle.

"Owwww!" You said as you tried not to move when he got the glass out.

"You should watch where you were walking." Shockwave said as he cleaned and bandaged your ankle.

"Y-yeah, I will, thank you." You said with a small smile.

"You are welcome, Y/n." Shockwave said as he deactivated his holoform again.

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