You go into labor

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When you woke up one morning you felt a cramping sensation in your lower abdomen. It wasn't very bad, so you didn't think anything of it. But throughout the day the cramps got worse. But as soon as you felt a sharp stab of pain you realized that you were in labor.

"SHOCKWAVE! I'M IN LABOR!" You screamed at the top of your lungs.

When Shockwave heard your scream he activated his holoform and rushed into your house. When he found you he carefully picked you up and carried you to the bathroom.

"Y/n, because I have a Cybertroinian alt mode I will not be able to take you to a hospital." Shockwave said as he got you to your bathroom.

"Y-you mean I'm going to have a natural birth?!" You asked him as he put you down in order to lay a towel on the bathroom floor.

"That is correct." Shockwave said as he carefully laid you on the towel.

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