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Lately Jasper and Lucy had started teething. You tried getting them teething gel, but it didn't seem to work. You gave them shaved ice somewhat often, but that only worked for a little while. You were thankful that they at least chewed on the teething rings that you bought for them. At the moment you were looking for Shockwave.

You looked everywhere. You looked in all the rooms in your house. And you looked in your backyard. Then you realized that he must be in your garage where he had a human sized lab set up.

"Shockwave, there you are." You said after thirty minutes of searching for him.

"I have made teething gel that will work." Shockwave said as he activated his holoform.

"Are you sure that it's safe for humans?" You asked him.

"It is safe for techno organics, in which our children are." Shockwave said as you both went back inside your house.

When you both got to your living room you saw Jasper and Lucy chewing on their teething rings while they sat in their playpen. Shockwave dipped his finger in the test tube that had the teething gel in it and he carefully put some on both Jasper and Lucy's gums. You were thankful that the teething gel worked.

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