The Battle of Winterfell

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"I'm going to go now," Bran said blankly to Theon and the guards protecting him around the weirwood tree in the Godswood.

"Go where?" Theon asked nervously, but Bran already shut his eyes and warged into the raven sitting in the tree nearby. 

He opened its eyes and took flight along with his flock of crows into the dark night — filled only by the light of the flamed trenches below.  Bran swerved as the second trench was lit up by Melisandre below him to avoid being scorched, but some of the flock were not as lucky. The ravens flew over the castle as he saw the armies being lined up in preparation for the inevitable battle about to occur.  He observed his brother Jon with the Dragon Queen preparing Rhaegal and Drogon to protect the living as best as they could, while Bran continued to fly deeper into the dark night. The wind whistled louder in the raven's ears and the smell of burning wood faded from his senses as the air turned colder and colder.  We are getting close.

Even with the vision of the raven, it was so dark Bran could barely see all the trees underneath them.  Where are they? When suddenly, he did not even need to see the Night King for he knew he found his target with the whistling of Viserion's wings flapping in the air.  But he saw his enemy anyway with his hand reached out to the flock of ravens, knowing Bran was in control of them.  He knows.  He looked at the Army of the Dead about to engage in the Battle of Winterfell, but there was something odd about the situation. While there were hundreds of wights clearly outnumbering the living, there weren't thousands. And there were thousands Bran saw beyond the Wall. Where were they? Am I missing some?

Curious, Bran swerved to avoid the Night King's icy hand, and made the spontaneous decision to abandon the battle below in search of the rest of the army. Did they remain beyond the Wall? That wouldn't make sense, he thought, since the Night King destroyed the Wall. They had to be somewhere; there was no way thousands were destroyed by Tormund and the Night's Watch when the dead breached the Wall.

Could they possibly be South?

Bran changed his course again and instead of searching the North, he flew South for he believed the Night King sent the rest of his army there.  He flew as fast as the raven could while following the Kingsroad down to the Riverlands and into the Eyrie. Were they in the Mountains of the Moon?

He followed the highroad through them but found nothing other than mountain clans and endless snow. Frustrated, he was about to turn his flight elsewhere when he suddenly saw a horrifying familiar sight: hundreds of thousands of wights. Giants, mammoths, soldiers, and other creatures for as far as he could see. Bran quickly realized the battle currently raging around his body at Winterfell was not the great battle: it was simply a distraction. A mere plot to weaken the living's forces before making wights of all the millions of King's Landings citizens. I need to warn Jon, he thought, and suddenly opened his eyes to see a White Walker standing in front of Theon with a hundred soldiers surrounding him.



He looked up to the dragon hovering above him with a woman with silver hair as its rider.  Daenerys. It took him a moment to realize what had happened: he fell off Rhaegal while fighting Viserion.  He blinked his eyes a couple times to bring his vision in focus; his head was spinning and his ears ringing. 

"Dracarys," he heard Dany instruct Drogon as she faced the Night King.  Fire immediately spewed from the dragon's mouth as Jon covered his face from being scorched from the flames.  The fire was a continuous stream for more than a minute to ensure the enemy was completely engulfed.  They had no idea if the plan to burn the Night King would work since Bran explained no one had ever tried.

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