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Dany smiled to herself as she walked away from Jon, Arya, Bran and the girl Meera.  She had come a long way with Arya — from being seen as a foreign queen and an enemy to apart of their family.

Maybe even good friends now.

She still couldn't believe Meera and Bran had found Dark Sister... Visenya Targaryen's own sword. And I get to wield it hundreds of years later.

She was so thankful Arya was taking the time to teach her the art of sword fighting. I know it must be frustrating, especially with a pregnant woman, but it means so much she wants to help protect my child. Jon and I's child. Her nephew.

The thought of finally being able to meet her baby come a few moons made her heart swell. She didn't care what gender it was, as long as it was healthy. Not like my poor Rhaego. But this child will be a true dragon. They will be a fighter. The thoughts danced happily around her head as she continued to follow Melisandre through the castle.

"May I ask where you are taking me, Lady Melisandre?" Dany asked curiously once she stopped daydreaming.

"I've seen it in the flames. It's a place the Lord wants you to see..." she trailed off.

They exited the castle walls and began walking down towards the sea below.

Where is she going?

She heard Melisandre constantly muttering to herself, but she didn't care. At first, Dany tried to overhear her words, but it made no sense, so she just stopped.

This must be awfully important since she interrupted my training.

Eventually, they reached the bottom of the stone steps as Drogon and Rhaegal roared overhead; casting a slight shadow over the castle gate. The dragons didn't make Melisandre pause from opening it though, and Dany followed her through without hesitation.

When on the sand, Melisandre led her into a dimly lit cave that Dany recognized.

"This is the cave where the dragonglass was mined!" Dany exclaimed.

"Yes, my Queen," she answered. The Red Woman lit torches for them to use to navigate the cave as they walked deeper into the darkness. Dany gazed at the dragonglass walls that bared the drawings of the First Men and the Children of the Forest Jon showed her all those moons ago.

The moment when I realized I would do anything to help him.

She smiled at the memory as they continued walking further and further, but Dany furrowed her eyebrows as she suddenly stopped.

"Before the dragonglass used to block this area. It looks like there's a... path now," she wondered slowly.

"I believe," Melisandre began as she took a breath. "With the mining, it allowed the passage to be opened for the first time in a hundred years."

Dany's eyes widened as they continued through the ancient passage. They started moving slowly through the rocks and closer to the newly-found opening. There was the reflection of something shiny in the secret cavern, lit up by the cracks in the rocks that allowed the sunlight in.

What is that?

Dany tightened her grip on her torch as she climbed over the last rock to reveal something she'd never expect in a thousand years.

That's impossible. It can't be—

"Dragon eggs," Dany whispered to herself.

But it was possible because they were right in front of her. Five dragon eggs littered the ground around the largest dragon skeleton Dany had ever seen. "W-What is that?"

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