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They walked back to the main castle where the reception would be held in the Great Hall extended out into the castle yard. Arya was tasked with cleaning up their training gear in order for Sansa to decorate the place to be fit for a wedding. As Dany walked through the gardens with Jon by her side, the resources Tyrion and their advisors managed to get together to make this nice was outstanding. Crimson red banners made up the tents outside to protect them from the elements with silver glassware on the rich tablecloths. Dany wanted both House Stark and Targaryen to be represented, so both banner colors were shown as equally as possible.

"It looks beautiful," Dany expressed with wonder in her eyes to Sansa.

Sansa smiled briefly. "Thank you, Your Grace."

Although she didn't care for the Stark sister much, her help with the wedding was incredible. Between her helping to design the decorations to making Jon's cloak and her dress, it would not have been nearly as beautiful and functional without her. And for that, Dany was forever grateful.

Eventually, they took their seats at the high table as Tyrion, Varys, Missandei, and Varys sat next to her. Ser Davos, Arya, Sansa, and Bran to their place next to Jon as the rest of the guests, including Jaime Lannister, Brienne of Tarth, Tormund, and Ser Bronn, sat down at tables in front of them. After everyone settled down a bit, Jon stood up and the hall silenced.

"I would like to propose a toast," Jon declared as he looked down at Dany, "to my new wife, Queen Daenerys Targaryen."

Dany smiled as she looked at Jon in surprise. What was he doing?

"When got your raven to come to Dragonstone to bend the knee to the new Queen, I had no idea what to expect. Everyone told me I was mad to go down there, but I knew I had to protect the North. And what I found was nothing but extraordinary," he began.

He laughed briefly before expressing, "I was expecting a silver-haired rich bitch who had everything given to her in life. But seven hells was I ever wrong."

Dany's heart swelled as small laughter filled the room at his understatement. And I thought he was just some idiot bastard.

"When I walked into that throne room, I didn't find a self-obsessed, power hungry girl. No, I found a warrior. Someone who overcame all the obstacles thrown her way with grace and honor. I found the fucking Mother of Dragons who asked for nothing in return when she allowed me to mine the dragonglass to fight against something she didn't believe in. And then she risked her own children to save my ass beyond the wall, giving one of her children in the process. She stood next to us at Winterfell and her men gave their lives. She... changed everything," he continued.

She felt her heart beating faster as the words sunk into her memory. This is so perfect.

He turned and looked directly at her when he said, "You came into my life at a time when I thought I started to get myself together. But when I face the truth, I just hated myself. I was angry at the world for what had happened to me and my family. I was just broken and damaged and fading."

Dany gulped as she looked at the pain on Jon's face. She knew he really suffered, but she hoped over the rest of their lives she can truly understand the depth at which he did.

"But you fought your way in anyways," Jon laughed weakly. "And you saved me, Dany. You've loved me through all the times I've pushed you away because I was scared. You loved me when I was full of self-loathing and couldn't even look at myself in the mirror. You loved me when I couldn't love myself. And for that, Dany, you saved my life," he confessed while trying to hold back tears.

Dany could feel the tears running down her face, but she didn't care. She only had eyes for him in this moment.

He cleared his throat as wiped his eyes before continuing. "You are my best fucking friend. And I am so lucky," he croaked as tears started pouring from his eyes. "That I am in love with my best friend. And I've realized that I know I can live without you, but I don't want to. I never want to. I always want to be with you. And this has probably been the most embarrassing fucking thing I've ever done, but I just wanted to try and express my thanks to you."

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